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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

100 Ways to Pray.

“For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy,”- St. Therese of Lisieux

Prayer is simply a turning of one's heart and mind toward God. It doesn't have to be (and shouldn't be) only our talking and God listening. Here are 100 ideas or ways to lift our hearts and minds to the Lord... Please comment and let me know if you have a favorite way to pray!

  1. Read part of one of the Gospels.

  2. Use your imagination to put yourself in your favorite Biblical story.

  3. Read the Gospel of Mark and reflect on the humanity of Christ.

  4. Read the Gospel of John and reflect on how Christ was in control the whole time.

  5. Pray the Rosary.

  6. Pray a Scriptural Rosary.

  7. Pray the rosary, praying for one specific intention on each bead.

  8. Go to adoration and just sit with Jesus.

  9. Go to adoration and let Jesus look at you and heal you.

  10. If you can't go to adoration in person, find it live-streamed on YouTube.

  11. Create a spot for prayer in your bedroom and say good morning to Jesus first thing every morning.

  12. Talk to Jesus about your day.

  13. Go to Mass.

  14. Go to Confession.

  15. Pray the Liturgy of the hours.

  16. Memorize Scripture

  17. Put on a Christian music playlist- don't pick out a specific song- press play and see what Christ says to you through music.

  18. Use music to pray.

  19. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet

  20. Make a Rosary to give to someone, praying it as you make it.

  21. Read a Catholic book and talk to Jesus about what is being revealed to you.

  22. Tell Jesus what you are afraid of.

  23. Tell Him what you need.

  24. Tell Jesus what you're worried about.

  25. Tell Him what makes you happy.

  26. Ask Him to take over your life and use it all for His glory.

  27. Write a letter to Jesus

  28. Start a journal, writing to Jesus each day.

  29. Write down attributes of God, and pick one to imitate.

  30. Ask Jesus to show you His will for your life.

  31. Ask God to work miracles in your life.

  32. Consecrate yourself to the Blessed Mother

  33. Consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

  34. Consecrate Yourself to Divine Mercy

  35. Ask your Patron Saint to pray for you.

  36. Think about Heaven.

  37. Contemplate Christ's divinity and humanity

  38. Listen to Him.

  39. Make a list of all you are thankful for, thank Him.

  40. Pray the Apostles or Nicene Creed and really mean it.

  41. Slowly pray the Our Father

  42. Contemplate what it means to be chosen and loved by God.

  43. Pray the St. Michael the Archangel prayer when you are tempted to sin.

  44. Ask your Guardian Angel to be with you always and be an advocate for you before Christ.

  45. Pray for all who have died.

  46. Picture yourself leaning on Jesus, as St. John did. Rest in Him.

  47. Let Jesus work in You.

  48. Pray for growth in a specific virtue.

  49. Read the daily Bible readings.

  50. Read the daily Bible readings, picking one verse that sticks out to you, and then journal about it.

  51. Pray for all of your friends and family.

  52. Pray for the intentions of the Holy Father.

  53. Pray for all women considering abortion.

  54. Go to and adopt a priest to pray for.

  55. Download a spiritual adoption app and "adopt" an unborn child to pray for.

  56. Pick someone in your life who needs prayers and pray a novena for them.

  57. Draw your prayer in a journal.

  58. Pray a Litany

  59. Look up a random Bible verse generator and meditate on the verse it gives you.

  60. Be still.

  61. Read the life of a saint and ask them to help you to imitate their strongest virtue.

  62. Pick a friend or family member and focus on praying for them for the day, week, month, etc.

  63. Talk to the Blessed Mother, asking her to bring all of your intentions, thoughts, and worries to Christ.

  64. Memorize a scripture passage.

  65. Write a song or poem of prayer.

  66. Call a friend and pray with them.

  67. Host a prayer night with friends and family where you all get together and pray for one another's intentions.

  68. Pray using a Psalm.

  69. See a random person in front of you in line at the store? Pray that God will bring them to Heaven with Him someday.

  70. Pray for your friends, that they will respond to God's call to holiness.

  71. Fast from something.

  72. Go on a retreat.

  73. Try to be silent for an entire day, offering it to God.

  74. Meditate on a religious icon or just a picture of Jesus or Mary

  75. Pray the five finger prayer

  76. Pray with a younger sibling.

  77. Bless yourself using Holy water, and renew your Baptismal vows.

  78. Take a walk, and pray the Rosary while you do so.

  79. Take a walk, praying for the people inside each house you pass.

  80. Examine your conscience, and then confess your sins to God, even if you can't go to confession right then.

  81. Pray for big things- World peace, an end to abortion, a renewal of Church unity, etc.

  82. Simply say the name of Jesus, calling on Him to help you.

  83. Pray before a test or quiz, asking your Guardian Angel to help you.

  84. Listen to a Catholic podcast

  85. Write down what you want to ask Jesus when you get to Heaven, then realize that you can ask Him right now, and then ask Him!

  86. Pray for the vocations of your siblings.

  87. Pray for your future spouse.

  88. Make a list of prayer intentions. Choose one to focus on in prayer each day.

  89. Pray for all who are spiritually, physically, or mentally lost.

  90. Picture yourself opening your heart to Jesus, and invite Him to come and dwell in you. Then live like you know He's always there.

  91. Sing!

  92. Serve the poor.

  93. Pray for world leaders.

  94. Make a Spiritual Communion.

  95. Pray, "Jesus, Mary, I love you. Save Souls!"

  96. Thank Him for everything.

  97. Use a prayer app.

  98. Sit in a Catholic Church, recognizing you are in the presence of Christ.

  99. Pray out Loud.

  100. Sit in silence. Let Him love you.


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