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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

He Stands at the Door

No matter where you are in the world right now, you're probably in a room, a building, a train, a plane, that has a door or entrance somewhere in it. Doors surround us every single day of our lives. They are entrances and exits, beginnings and endings. They represent change and transition and openness to something new.

Today in the first reading, Jesus tells us, "‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, then I will enter his house and dine with him,

and he with me.'" Imagine for a moment that Jesus is standing outside the door of wherever you are reading this blog post. What would you do? Would you run to it and open it? Or would you be afraid of what might happen if you open the door, how your life would change?

Jesus is even closer than the door outside of your room. He's even closer than the air you are breathing right now. Jesus is right outside your heart and He is knocking, and then waiting for you to invite Him in. Jesus longs to be a part of your life. But He's not going to force you to let Him in. Jesus loves us so much that He gives us free will- the option to choose between good and evil, right and wrong, light and darkness. To open the door or not. To choose Him or choose the world. When we choose Him and open the door that He knocks on, we open the door to love, to peace, to life. Yes, it's a change, but it's a change for the better.

Jesus is always knocking, always pursuing you. He longs to be one with you and be loved by you. He is always waiting, offering love and mercy and peace. No matter what you've one or who you are, Jesus is there. He wants to forgive you and He wants to love you as you've never been loved before!

It's up to you to open the door, let Jesus in, and let Him heal you, love you, and save you. It's not too late to let Him in.

Note to all United States Citizens:

The United States of America is currently living in a world of hurt, of sin, of anger, and of lies. We need Jesus. He's our only hope right now and we need to let Him in, let Him heal us. Remember, the government is not the entire United States of America, and neither are the celebrities, social media personalities, the rioters, or the cheaters. We too are the United States of America, and we have the power to transform our lives and many others by opening wide the doors to Christ! (as Pope John Paul II would say) Most of all we need to pray. We need to pray for mercy, for love, and for healing. Jesus can still save our country. And I truly believe that He will. What we need to do is pray: pray that He will make everything right in HIS time, that He will help us to speak the truth, and that He will bring to light everything that is going on in our nation. We can change the future of this country. We just need to pray and let Him in.


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