How do we prepare for the rest of our lives? How do we prepare and train for what God will ask us to do? In preparing for careers, people go to college or trade school. In preparing to have a child, parents gather resources and supplies to care for the baby properly.
But how does one prepare for their Vocation? Sure, some people just know they're called to be a Sister, and others know they're meant to get married. But how does someone prepare in between? What if you're unsure whether you'll be a mom or a nun? A husband or a priest?
No matter how drastically different these Vocations may look on the outside, they all have one thing in common: radical, self-giving love. The more we know how to give of ourselves, the more of ourselves we will have to give when we enter into our Vocations (i.e., get married, enter religious life, are ordained, etc.).
So how do we do that? How do we practice this radical self-gift in our everyday lives? What does it look like as a teenager?
Let's think about it. Who are you being called to love right now?
First of all, God. And how can you give yourself totally and completely in love to God? A simple answer is prayer. In any relationship, you must communicate to grow in love. Prayer is communication with God! If we are going to give ourselves totally in love to God, we must be devoted to prayer, making intentional time for it and for God each day. Another way we can totally give ourselves in love for God is by receiving Him, body and blood, soul and divinity, in the Eucharist. When we receive Him, we should also be giving ourselves to Him, giving over everything and letting Him have control. Saint Francis of Assisi captured it perfectly: "Hold back nothing of yourselves for yourselves so that He who gives Himself totally to you may receive you totally." Self-giving love is also fruitful. Just as the self-giving love of husbands and wives in marriage can come to produce children, so our communion of self-giving love with God should be fruitful. This looks like the graces we receive growing and being present in our everyday lives! The closer we come to God, the more we resemble Him, and the more we can share His love with others. The fruitfulness of self-giving love to and with God is love itself.
Who else are you called to love right now? Is it your siblings? Your classmates? Your friends? How can you give yourself to them? Are you willing to pour yourself out in love and service to them, even when it's difficult? What is the fruit of this love? Maybe they will not reciprocate, but your love will draw them closer to God because you love them as He does.
By practicing this self-giving love, you will be more fully prepared to give yourself totally in love in your future Vocation. If you are called to enter religious life, you'll be giving yourself totally in body, mind, and soul to Him and receiving His love in return. You'll give yourself to your spouse if you are called to married life. If you're a priest, you'll give yourself, body, mind, and soul to God and the people you serve.
More specifically, if you know your Vocation, how can you prepare for it NOW?
If you think God is calling you to be married someday, pray for your future spouse! You could start a journal writing letters to them, include them in your rosary intentions, and overall, in your dating process, recognize that the goal in dating is marriage. If you think God is calling you to be in religious life, explore communities, connect with Sisters or Brothers, and ask them about their lives. Go on discernment retreats! The same goes for anyone discerning the priesthood... explore your options! Make connections! But the most important thing to prepare your heart, mind, and soul for any Vocation is love. Love God, and love those around you. After all, what is a Vocation but the total gift of self in love with another?