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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Saint of the Month- February

Saint Valentine

The story: Saint Valentine was a Roman priest and martyr during the Third Century. He was first arrested for performing marriage ceremonies for young Christian couples during the persecutions. Legend has it that He healed the daughter of his jailer, and before his execution, wrote a note to the girl, signed, "From your Valentine" thus, giving us the tradition of sending Valentines to those we love. If you're sending a Valentine to someone you love this month, think of it as imitating a saint rather than helping the greeting card companies!!

Feast day: Feb. 14

Patron of: Engaged couples, Beekeepers, Fainting, Epilepsy, Happy Marriages, Love, Lovers, Young people (!!!)

Saint Valentine, we thank you for giving and living your life in love for Christ and His people. We ask you to intercede for us in our relationships and to watch over the people who we will someday be called to marry. Please pray for the protection of all who are dating or engaged, that they will live their lives in joyful love and service. Take us under your care and help us to love God and our neighbor.


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