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We Are One with Christ.

Writer's picture: Catholic TeenCatholic Teen

Today is an amazing day. Today is the day that we celebrate Christ's total gift and sacrifice of Himself to and for us under the form of bread and wine in the Most Holy Eucharist.

What a gift our Savior has given us! All that He is, His body, blood, soul, and divinity, is made one with us as we receive the Blessed Sacrament.

We all wonder sometimes what Jesus looked like while here on earth. The fact is, He is still here. He is among us, not just spiritually, but physically. I took a psychology class this Spring semester, and this analogy helped me to understand what is meant when we say that Christ takes on the form of bread and wine in the Eucharist. Just as a statue is made up of stone, marble, or some other material, and yet has the form of whatever the statue is depicting, so the Eucharist is made up of Jesus' body, blood, soul, and divinity, and is under the form of bread and wine.

We do see Christ. We touch Him. We hold Him. We consume Him, and He, us, with His love. We become one.

Since this most Holy Sacrament is truly Christ's Body and Blood, and since we truly receive Him into our bodies and souls, He deserves the utmost respect and love from all of His followers. It is so sad and disappointing that so many Catholics and other Christians do not believe that Jesus meant what He said and that others choose to receive Him and yet live their public lives in direct contradiction to His teachings.

Our Jesus waits for us in the tabernacle night and day. He waits for us to come to Him. When we say that "Amen" we are vowing to Jesus Christ and to His entire Church that we believe Him, we trust Him. God wants to give Himself to us, freely and totally, and He asks for our hearts and souls just the same. It is through the Holy Eucharist that we receive Him and He, us.

I hope and pray that on this The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, all may witness the power, the beauty, and the love found in Christ's total gift of Himself in the Most Holy Eucharist.

*To any non- Catholics or Catholics not sure about the Church's teaching on the Eucharist who are reading this blog, first of all, thank you for reading! Secondly, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me through the form on the home page of the blog, and I will try my hardest to find you some resources and answers to your questions. God bless!


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