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  • The Little Apologist

    In a world of confusion, messiness, and evil, nearly all of us at one time or another find ourselves questioning, "Where is God?" "How do I know what's right?" and "How should I live my life?" I'm so happy to tell you- there are answers to all of these questions. And, what's more, they're not even complicated! To know what's right and how to live our lives, we first must ask the question, "Where is God?" Where is He in this mess? Why would He allow this? Our world is such a wreck, how can one possibly believe in God? The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Paragraphs 40 and 41 read: ​ Since our knowledge of God is limited, our language about him is equally so. We can name God only by taking creatures as our starting point, and in accordance with our limited human ways of knowing and thinking. All creatures bear a certain resemblance to God, most especially man, created in the image and likeness of God. The manifold perfections of creatures - their truth, their goodness, their beauty all reflect the infinite perfection of God. Consequently, we can name God by taking his creatures" perfections as our starting point, "for from the greatness and beauty of created things comes a corresponding perception of their Creator" ​ To know God is to know beauty, goodness, and Truth itself. In our world today, these transcendental realities are under attack. Thankfully, though, there is so much beauty, goodness, and truth still found in the world, especially in the Church. When something is being attacked, people must stand up, and fight for what they believe in. In this case, for Beauty, Goodness, and Truth. Enter the Apologist... I, and many others, as apologists, aim to defend the Beauty, Goodness, and Truth found in the world and to lead others to find them in the Church that Christ established. Through this blog, I want to provide bite-sized answers to the biggest questions about life, the Church, and humanity itself, as well as continue to post reflections and guides as I have been in the past. I'm so excited and honored to learn and grow with you! A few notes about the new website: The link is now Feel free to share on social media and with friends and family! On the home page, a button says "Ask a Question." When you click on it, you'll be taken to a screen where you can ask a question about Catholicism, the pro-life movement, morality, etc... I'll get back to you with an answer that is in line with Church teaching, as well as some resources, and maybe even use your question as inspiration for a post (anonymously, and with your permission, of course!). Think of it as asking a friend all your questions about Catholicism... learning about faith shouldn't be scary! The "About" page. This page features some info about me, the blog, and my mission. THe Lord has been leading and forming me for years, and I see a real need for open, honest answers to questions about Catholicism. I'm inspired by Catholic Answers, as well as Catholic Questions. I became an apologist for Catholic Questions late last year, further inspiring me and helping me see the need for this ministry. The mobile site looks a bit different from the desktop version... check it out on both! The updated app will come out in the next few weeks or months. MercyLight Designs is still the same! The Catholic Teen Life Blog has been such a blessing and beautiful journey. I started the blog when I was fourteen, and it served its purpose as an outlet for me (a Catholic Teen) to reach other Catholic teens. Now, however, I've graduated from college. While I'll still be a teen for another year, my focus and audience have widened, and I see The Little Apologist as a way to fulfill the needs and interests of those who read the blog and follow the social media page, as well as follow the calling that the Lord has placed on my heart. As you might have noticed, we have a new logo! The "T" in "Apologist" contains three things: a pen, a sword, and The Cross, combined to symbolize the defense of the Cross and all it stands for through the written word—what I aim to do through this blog! It is truly an honor and a blessing to be called to serve in this capacity. Please know of my prayers for you! If you feel so called, please comment and share this post with others so that we can reach as many people as possible, help answer their questions, and share the Beauty, Goodness, and Truth of Christ and His Church. God bless you always! Colleen

  • Finding Refuge: Psalm 118:8

    "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in men." This is a difficult post to write. I thought I had everything figured out. I thought I knew what the next three and maybe even five years would look like. Not the specifics, obviously, but the big things. I thought I knew God's plan. Now, here I am. I could not have been more wrong. Several weeks ago, my relationship of almost three years ended abruptly. It was a decision that I never saw it coming. I spent the first week afterward questioning why God would ever allow this- why would He lead me somewhere to have it end? Part of me still does not understand. But I'm seeing now that I don't HAVE to understand completely. I had been putting my trust in my own interpretation of my future. I thought I knew what God wanted- Now I'm seeing that God's plans are rarely ever precisely as we believe they will be. He has a beautiful, wonderful plan for our lives. And as I've learned, sometimes seemingly bad things need to happen in order for us to see that we are being called higher and forward. So much beauty and peace comes from abandonment to the will of God. He truly is our refuge. As scary as it seems, anything can change at any point. People leave. Loved ones pass away. Sickness comes and goes. Plans change. Life can change in an instant and often does. But God does not. His love does not. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in anything other than Him. So, for now, I'm waiting. I'm praying about what comes next, for my future husband, and for God's will to be done—that He would be my refuge and my strength. I'm filling my mind with goodness, beauty, and truth and continuing to learn how to serve and love. God is good; we can entrust every moment to His Divine Providence and protection. "Father, into Your hands, I commend my spirit."-Luke 23:46

  • Gracious and Merciful

    "The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in mercy. The LORD is good to all, compassionate toward all your works. All your works give you thanks, LORD and your faithful bless you. They speak of the glory of your reign and tell of your mighty works..." ~Psalm 145 Today I had the privilege of going on pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy. Breathtakingly beautiful doesn't even begin to describe this experience. The mercy of the Lord is so incredible, in all seasons of life, but especially when we are suffering. His mercy abounds in times when we are weak. His love is our strength. He is our peace and our home. I'm praying for you and for all of your intentions ❤️ Know that you are infinitely loved by the God of Heaven and Earth. There is nothing- big or small- that you could ever do that would change His love for or willingness to forgive you. Jesus wants you to let Him love you. And He's such a gentleman- He'll never force His love. But please know that no matter what, He will be waiting for you to come home to Him. ❤️ Here are some pictures I took during the day! There are more on Instagram and Facebook if you'd like to check them out. Caption: The front of the chapel at the shrine. Caption: Inside of the chapel Caption: Pope Saint John Paul II's Rosary, an imitation of his ring, and the zucchetto he wore to Fatima! Caption: Pope Saint John Paul II signature and portrait Caption: A beautiful shot of Saint Joseph that my mom took : ) Caption: A side altar with this JP2 statue. The kneeler contained a first class relic! Caption: "Jesus dies on the cross"

  • Against the World

    One of my favorite t-shirts has a quote from Saint Athanasius: "If the world goes against the truth, then I go against the world." These men and women who we remember today, on Memorial Day, lived out Athanasius' words to the very end. Where human rights are being violated, there are people who fight for truth, some to the point of death. These people are our ancestors. Family. Friends. Community Members. They had lives, jobs, families, and dreams, and they gave them all in pursuit of righteousness, truth, and freedom. Sadly, today, in America, millions are not free. The horrors of abortion, human trafficking , contraception, abuse, pornography, and addiction keep millions enslaved to sin and death. The most important and fundamental freedom is the freedom to live. Sadly, after all the wars we've fought and all the causes we've advocated for, people are still debating who has the freedom to live. The answer is simple and does not need debate. Every human being, regardless of age, location, race, culture, history, size, or any other defining factor, deserves to be protected and cherished from the first moment of life at conception until natural death. I think, sometimes, "What would those who gave their lives for our freedoms say if they knew what was happening?" How horribly devastating it would be for these men and women who died so their descendants could be free to know that the most innocent among them are being killed by the thousands. We may not all have the opportunity to give our lives in defense of our nation and freedom, but we are all called to fight for freedom. I hope and pray that it will be our generation that will bring about freedom in our nation and in the world and bring an end to all of the horrific violations of human rights occurring in our nation. To stand for the truth often means going against the world. So be it.


    Miracles. I'm not talking about, "oh, the sun came up again, it's a miracle!" type of miracles. I'm talking about real, genuine science-defying miracles. I've experienced three in my short lifetime and heard of many, many more. This semester and last, I've been attending a book study with one of the priests on campus. Last semester's book was Healing: Bringing God's Gift of Mercy to the World by Dr. Mary Healy. This book is absolutely incredible and has opened my eyes to the power of the Holy Spirit. (I could talk about this for hours...) You see, by virtue of our being Children of God, we, too, have the same power in the Holy Spirit as Jesus was given at His Baptism. When the sky opened, and the spirit came upon Jesus in the form of a dove, the sky never closed again- the "dove" never left. The same power of the Spirit of God that Jesus used to perform miracles, heal the sick, bring sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, speech to the mute, and even bring the dead to life, is still available to us. I've seen it firsthand. When I was twelve years old, I had already endured almost two years of chronic illness. I had a headache that lasted 1 year and 11 months straight with very, very few pain-free days. With this came migraines on top of my baseline headache, as well as horrible stomach issues, anxiety, and medication side effects galore. It got to be a year and eleven months in. I was in the ER for some extreme pain I was having after having a nerve block done by my PA in Philly. It was Dec. 12- the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe- and my mom and I were praying the Rosary while I tried to rest. The on-call doctor came in and checked on me. They were going to start a more aggressive treatment soon since I wasn't improving. A few minutes later, as we finished up our Rosary, the pain was gone. No pain. Nothing. The doctors had no medical explanation for it. It has never come back since. I give all the credit to Jesus and to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The second instance came just a few months ago. I found a lump on the side of my leg below my knee, and after a few days, it wasn't going away or getting any smaller, and I was ready to make an appointment to get it checked out. I have multiple chronic illnesses (though not the headaches!!), and anything additional that I find needs to be taken care of quickly. I went to the book study on healing that night, and as we wrapped up, I asked the group to please pray for me, that this thing on my leg would go away. Instead of simply interceding for me, they stopped, and prayed over me. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, my priest led us in prayer as we commanded the pain to go away and asked Jesus to take it away. Father asked me, "How do you feel?" I couldn't stop smiling, which was the first thing I noticed. My leg was also warm and sort of tingly. And I reached down and felt the spot on my leg where the lump had been. Gone. No swelling. No pain. Nothing. Our God can make even bodily tissue disappear!! He can heal anything! Everything! It hasn't come back since. The third happened just last Friday. A couple of weeks ago, I woke up to a dislocated knee cap (I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and my body doesn't like to stick together the way that it's supposed to.) After I popped it back in, I was still in pain, so I wore a brace and stopped going to the gym for a week. After that week, I tried going to the gym again, and my knees were sliding around and very clearly not stable. Fast forward to Friday. I was meeting with my priest, and as we were finishing up our discussion, He offered to pray for the healing of my knee. I, of course, said yes, and he prayed over my knee. The muscles and joints in my leg were spontaneously moving, and my leg was warm and tingly as Father prayed over me, and we prayed that the pain would be gone and all of the bones, joints, etc, would go back to where they were supposed to be. I didn't notice any immediate change, but later that day, and since then, I have been able to run, jump, and dance... today I took a 1.5-mile hike. No knee pain!! I'll try the gym tomorrow, but I know God healed my knee. He healed my leg. He healed my head. And He wants to heal you, too. Just today, after Mass, there was a woman who was healed and was pain-free for the first time in a very long time. He wanted to heal her. He wants to heal you. Friends, God may allow pain and suffering but never WANTS it for us. He wants to heal us and use our sufferings to benefit us and those around us. Even if He does not physically heal us when we want it, how we want it, when we ask for healing, we can be certain and have faith that He is healing us, He is working in, and through us, and even if we are called to suffer in a certain way, He will still heal us in other ways, even if we can't quite see them. If you take nothing else from this, please make it this: God is real. He loves you. He wants to heal you, and He wants to work through you to heal others. The Holy Spirit is alive and well in the Body of Christ- will you let Him be alive and well in you? If you have questions about healing, what I have experienced, or would like prayers for healing, please let me know! I will pray for you (and with you when I can, if you'd like) and find answers to any questions you might have.

  • Balance

    A couple of weeks ago, I went to our first Bible study of the semester, and the first question that was asked was, "What is one word you would use to describe the start of the semester so far?" And the word just rolled off of my tongue- "Balanced." I don't know where it came from, but it's true. The start of my semester has been balanced. And I got to thinking about it, normally I would have said something like, "exhausting" or "crazy." I realized that so many of us as young people tend to look at life from a negative point of view. Perhaps it's from all that we've been through in the past few years, or because of the influence of social media, or too much news, or any number of things- but whatever the cause is, pessimism seems to have infected our generation. So, when I said that my semester so far has been balanced, I was surprised. I found myself pondering what the difference is between this and other semesters. Why am I balanced? I think it's been a few things... #1. Taking care of myself I've been eating better, going to the gym every other day, getting enough rest, getting all of my homework done, praying frequently, reading more, and spending more time with my friends. Managing my time has been so incredibly helpful. #2. Focusing on God The days when every day starts and ends with Him are so much more fruitful and beautiful. But the thing I think has changed my mindset the most has been an attitude of gratefulness and surrender. As you'll see from another recent post, my theme for the year is gratefulness. I've found myself pondering the good parts of my day time and time again and being grateful for them instead of only focusing on the negatives. Thanking Him for the good things helps to make the bad things seem less scary- He's got it all under control! That's where surrender comes in. Knowing God is my Father and is continually holding and sustaining me brings so much peace. So if you're feeling out of balance, stressed, tired, overworked, or any number of things, to just look to Jesus. Be grateful for the good things and surrender the bad things. Give Him glory and honor and praise for everything. He alone is where we'll find our balance.

  • Ignatius Press- Incredible Catholic Media

    Catholic Teen Life is joining forces with Ignatius Press to bring you even more faith-filled content you'll love! Get ready for: Exclusive book reviews & recommendations Be the first to know about discounts and the latest and greatest Catholic media Deeper dives into relevant topics Some of the incredible books you can get from Ignatius Press... Youcat- Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church A must-have for any Catholic teen's, parent's, youth minister's, priest's library... Youcat presents the Catechism of the Catholic Church in a way that is easy and enjoyable for young people to read. It's a great resource to have- something you could either pick up and read or use to look up answers to questions you have about the faith. Rome Sweet Home by Scott Hahn One of the most incredible conversion stories in the Christian world. Rome Sweet Home is a great read for Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Summa of the Summa by Peter Kreeft Kreeft presents a summary of Aquinas' classic Summa Theologica, a fantastic read for students or anyone who wants to read more of Aquinas' work in a more digestible format. And finally... the Ignatius Press Clearance Page 😍 Enough Said. Feel free to contact me with any questions!

  • "Why are you Pro-Life?"

    "Why are you pro-life?" I'm pro-life because children are not protected in their mother's wombs. I'm pro-life because those who are sentenced to death because of their actions will not have the chance to turn their lives around. I'm pro-life because suicide is a tragedy and can be prevented. I'm pro-life because those with disabilities do not deserve to die simply because they are suffering. I'm pro-life because every single human being is worthy and deserving of love and life. I'm pro-life because there are well over 63,000,000 souls missing from the United States alone since 1973 as a result of abortion. I'm pro-life because 878,000 lives were lost to abortion in the first ten months of 2023. I'm pro-life because 24 people were executed in the United States last year alone. I'm pro life because hundreds of people die by suicide every day. I'm pro-life because in 2021 there were 102 children whose lives were ended in the womb for every 500 births. I'm pro-life because the numbers speak for themselves. I'm pro-life because it helps me to appreciate every single person I encounter. I'm pro-life because Jesus said, " Whatever you do for the least of these, you did for me." I'm pro-life because each person is made in the image and likeness of God. I'm pro-life because Jesus said "Let the little children come to me" I'm pro-life because each person was knit together in their mother's womb. I'm pro-life because Jesus is. I'm pro-life because a life ends when abortion occurs. I'm pro-life because a child's heart starts beating in the womb at just 3 weeks after conception. I'm pro-life because a child in the womb can feel pain as early as 12 weeks. I'm pro-life because medical textbooks teach that life begins at the moment of conception I'm pro-life because a fetus is another term for a stage or development- like child, teen, or adult. I'm pro-life because it's scientifically true. I'm pro-life because abortion causes serious mental health issues I'm pro-life because abortion frequently is the start of years of infertility and reproductive issues I'm pro-life because the foster care system needs reform and has the potential to do so much good I'm pro-life because adoption is a beautiful and heroic option I'm pro-life because the death penalty will not be abolished unless we make our voices heard I'm pro-life because mothers deserve to have access to prenatal and postpartum care and resources I'm pro-life because one word, a simple smile, can change and save someone's life I'm pro-life because our voices need to be heard. I'm pro-life because 1/3 of our generation has been lost to abortion I'm pro-life because my mother gave me life I'm pro-life because I love everyone around me, no matter what. I'm pro-life because who will speak up and defend the most vulnerable if we do not? I'm pro-life because when will these horrible evils ever end if we do not work to stop them? To put it simply, I am pro-life because, well, how could I not be?

  • The Magnificat Mindset

    Time and time again I've found myself thinking, "Why am I like this?" Yes, the exhaustion, pain, loss, anxiety, and busyness were certainly real, but so were God, my family, my boyfriend, and so many other things I've prayed for. So when my word of the year for 2024 popped up as "Grateful", my reaction was one of, "ohhhh..... yeah. That makes sense." The attitude of pessimism needs to turn into an attitude of gratitude. The solution to pessimism, discontentment, impatience, annoyance, busyness, and so many other things, is gratitude. And the cool part? The word Eucharist means "Thanksgiving." Gratitude. Looking to Him is the solution to all of those things. Eucharist is just as much of my word of the year as grateful is, and I'm so excited to dive deeper into gratefulness and the mystery of the Eucharist. I'm looking to imitate Mamma Mary's worship in my own. In her beautiful Magnificat, part of what Mary sings is, "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my savior, for He has looked with favor on His lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is His Name." Mamma's worship and glorification of God flow from a place of gratefulness. She knows that nothing that is happening to her is for anyone but God and His purpose for her life and the world. This overflow of beautiful gratitude occurs when she is carrying Jesus, the Eucharist, present in her womb, His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. The same Jesus we receive at each Mass. Gratitude shouldn't just be a fleeting thought; it should be a song sung constantly, rejoicing in the mystery of Christ in the Eucharist, present in me. Just as Mary's grateful song was born from the miracle within her, our own constant hymn of praise can begin at the altar. Following the example of St. Zita, who happens to be my saint of the year, we can bring a spirit of gratitude and worship into even the busiest days with quiet prayers of praise, turning every task, every challenge, into a whispered prayer of gratitude for the Eucharist we carry within us, just as Mary carried Jesus. Zita spent her entire life as a maid for a wealthy family, obtaining holiness through her attendance of daily Mass and her dedication to her daily tasks. She is the patroness of homemakers, maids, and bakers. She once famously said, "A servant is not holy if she is not busy." With my upcoming (last!!) semester coming up and looking like it will be much busier than the last, St. Zita gives me hope that through everything I'm cramming into each day, God will work in me and use everything He can to make me holy. I think of Zita, working long, hard days, sustained only by her constant internal song of praise to the Lord who'd she received just hours before. I hope you'll join me on this journey of gratefulness and worship as we enter 2024, and I encourage you to check out Jen Fulwiler's Word of the Year and Saint of the Year generators and discern where God is calling you to grow this year. May He bless you and your families as we begin this new year!


    It can be difficult to find faith-based gifts that are unique, affordably priced, and suitable for teens and young adults. This list can help! The following items come from various websites and Etsy Shops and would make fantastic gifts for any Catholic teenager or young adult. Many of them are suitable for both men and women and may even get here by Christmas if you order soon :-) Please note that I am not partnered with any of these brands (except the Hallow App!) and am receiving no monetary compensation from this post. For the athlete: Shoe Lace Saints from TotusTuusTreasures-$9.99 Trust In the Lord Water Bottle- $21.99 Elite Athletic Gear Wristbands- $5-$20 For the nature-lover: Genesis 1:1 Hiker Sweatshirt from PacifiClothingandArt- $40.26 Faith Can Move Mountains Bible Cover from 28Collective- $50.00 Engraved Christian Knife from AnLGiftStore- $22-$27 For the gardner: Seed Paper Plantable Cross- PlantablesAndPaper- $12.00 Consider How the Wildflowers Grow Sticker- SavannahandJamesCo Personalized Christmas Garden Tools Bag 2D Ornament-VintageShopCloCrafts- $13.00 For the artist: “Our Creativity is an Outflow of His” Mug-LaurentCollective- $25 Sewing the Saints Embroidery Kit- JoFloDesigns33- $12 Catholic Christmas Paint Kit- DivineInspirationArt- $16.50 For the new driver: 4pc Protection Catholic Medal Keychain- AgnusDeiJewelry- $14.00 Eucharistic Revival Catholic Car Decal- littlewaydesignco- $8.49 Travel Visor Clip- MerryandGrace- $16.99 For the gym-goer: SoulCore Products Motivational Bible Verse Water Bottle- ShePraise- $15 The Original Deadlift Shirt- DiscipledApparel- $25 For the sticker-lover: 100 pcs Christian Faith Sticker Pack- DivineServicesCo- $6.95 Catholic Sticker Bundle- LoveNLightDesignCo- $10+ Sticker Paper (to make your own stickers!)- $6.18 For the Marian Devotee: StephenMaryRosaries- $15- Made and blessed by an young, amazing Franciscan priest! Marian Catholic Miraculous Medal Shirt- BurmaApparel- $23 For the musician: Saint Cecelia Prayer Card with Patron Saint Medal Christian Tee Music Note Shirt from BrightandBoldGifts- $20.04 Hallow App Subscription (good Catholic music!) For the homebody: Signed by the Saints Blanket from WorthyofAgape- $51.00 Chrism Aromatherapy Spray from EverythingCatholicUS- $13 The Catholic Card Game- $35 For the homemaker: Theology of Home from Tan Books- $34.95 Catholic in the Kitchen from Tan Books- $29.95 Vintage Sacred and Immaculate Heart Apron- The Catholic Cottage- $30 For the writer: God is still writing your story wood block decor- ThePICKED- $19.95 4 pack Lined Journal Notebooks- $22.99 Writer Stickers- $4.99 For the fashionista: Jewelry from The Little Catholic That One Sheep Shirt- varying prices Catholic T-Shirt Club- $30 For the student: The Great Adventure Catholic Bible- Ascension Press Saints Photo FIlm Strip- thestumpofjessee-$5.95 Mr. Pen Aesthetic Highlighters and Pens No Bleed- $9.99 For the Self-Care enthusiast: Beauty Bath Box- Heralding Goods- $25 Jesus is the Balm Lip Balm from Blessed is She- $5 for 3 Hallow App Subscription For the history buff: Formed.Org Subscription (Catholic Streaming Service with lots of Documentaries) Christ the King Lord of History (Best history-related book EVER) Start a pilgrimage fundraising fund for them and help them fundraise to go on a mission trip or pilgrimage! For the pro-life activist: Unapologetically Pro-Life Shirt- FastCustomTees- $14 Pro-Life Sticker Blend- MeVidaloca- $17 Persuasive Pro-Life by Trent Horn

  • ✨Free Printable Christmas Cards from MercyLight Designs✨

    Happy Feast of St Nicholas! As a special gift to you today, I'd like you to have a freebie... The link below contains free, downloadable Christmas cards in various styles. All of them are printable and can be used as standard or e-cards. They'll be listed in the MercyLight Designs shop soon, but I wanted to give you early access. ✨Here is the link to download:✨ Please let me know what you think and if you need any help! Instructions are included with the files. Have a blessed Advent! In His Mercy, Colleen

  • Sunday Musings...

    Sundays are my absolute favorite day of the week, especially during the semester. A domestic, holy quiet spills into the world from Christ's home within His Church- each of us who receives His Body and Blood. Sunday is a "reset," if you will. Mind, body, and soul are reset and restored by the presence of Christ. We've been given this day of rest to do just that- rest. Yes, life gets hectic and some weekends it feels like we just aren't able to squeeze in even one extra minute to sit down and relax, but it is so, so important to fit in a Sabbath rest at some point during your week. Make time to rest, recharge, and let the Lord press that "reset" button :-) How can we do this? I have a really hard time resting. To sit and do nothing makes me feel... not rested 😂 But resting and resetting doesn't necessarily mean simply doing nothing. Your Sabbath rest can be uniquely yours and you can rest in the way that the Lord has made you capable of. Here are a few ways to do that... Rest for your mind... Journal! Make extra time for prayer Reflect on the past week and write a summary of your thoughts, feelings, and activities Listen to praise and worship music Take a break from schoolwork for all or part of the day Spend time in silence Read a book you've been wanting to finish for a while Color in a coloring book Plan out your week in a planner or journal Plan and prep healthy and fulfilling meals for the week Watch a TV show or movie that you enjoy Spend time with friends and family- or don't! Whatever gives you more energy. Rest for your body... Give yourself permission to NOT push your body to its limits. Take a break from your exercise routine to let your body rest ... or exercise more if you don't already! Go for a walk Make and eat a yummy meal Make or buy yourself a fun warm drink Stretch! Take a nap Wear a cute outfit Go to bed early Or just wear sweatpants after church because they're comfy Lay in your bed and do nothing. Really. It's okay. Rest for your soul... Go to Mass (0bviously) Pray the Rosary with your family or by yourself Write in a prayer journal Find a parish that keeps the church unlocked and pray there for a while. Study the Bible Think about what you're thankful for Listen to Christian podcasts Go to confession or make an examination of conscience Read a spiritual book or learn about a Saint For example, today I began my morning with some prayer before doing some homework. Then I went to Mass, brunch with my friends, and then got coffee before making some sticker packs for a Respect Life Club fundraiser later this week. Then I played cards with one of my friends, and now I'm listening to music and writing this while dinner is cooking and I'm going to read and watch Gilmore Girls before I get ready for bed and have more prayer time. How do you enjoy making Sunday a day of rest? I'd love to hear your practices and ideas. Have a wonderful rest of your day! - Colleen

Never forget that you are so loved by God. Nothing you ever do will take that away. Let Him be the Lord of your life. He has a plan specifically in mind for you. Give up control and let him take over. Only HE can make you truly happy.


God bless <3


“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future full of hope.” (Jer 29:11)


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