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- Free Trial of the Hallow App!
I am so excited to be able to offer a free trial of the Hallow App to all Catholic Teen Life readers/followers/ MercyLight Designs Customers! Here is the link to get your free three-month premium subscription to the Hallow App!! Hallow has been one of the greatest tools in my spiritual life this past year. College keeps you busy (school generally does!) and Hallow has helped me to fit prayer and spiritual reading into my schedule. Hallow is a Catholic prayer and meditation app that has really grown in the past few years, and is currently the #1 prayer app in the world! It contains tons of meditations, audiobooks, and even music to deepen your faith and relationship with God. All of the meditations and prayers are led by wonderful Catholic role models such as Matt Fradd, Jonathan Roumie, Mark Wahlberg, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Jackie Angel, and many, many more! The app makes it easy for people of all ages and stages in their spiritual life to receive some guidance in prayer- even if you've never prayed on your own in your entire life, try the Hallow App. You won't regret it. One of my favorite things about the Hallow App is the mental health resources. I struggle quite a bit with anxiety and depression due to some chronic illnesses that I have, and Hallow has proved to be an excellent coping skill and resource. Another thing I really love is the ability to form prayer groups. Did you know that Catholic Teen Life has a prayer group of its own on Hallow? You can find the instructions for how to join here. Have I convinced you yet?! I hope so! I promise that Hallow will be a wonderful addition to your "spiritual toolbox" and help you to deepen your relationship with the Lord, as well as grow in your mental and spiritual health. Here is the link to get your free three-month premium subscription to the Hallow App!! Once you try out the app and see, like I did, how wonderful of a resource it is, would you mind leaving a comment about the benefit that it's had in your life? I'd like to share your comments (anonymously!) with the team at Hallow to thank them for their ministry! *I also want to note that I am not being compensated in any way by providing you with this information as well as the free trial. The team at Hallow graciously created a link for Catholic Teen Life readers, and I am so grateful for them!
- International Day of Families
Sometimes I like to look up what the "national day" is. These days are super random, usually, ranging from National Tweed Day (April 3) to National Sunglasses Day (June 27) to National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day (January 29). There are some strange ones... but today is the International Day of Families! This is a day that definitely makes sense to celebrate. To give you some inspiration today, here are some quotes from Saints and Church documents about the importance of the Family! 😊 “As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.” Pope Saint John Paul II “When husband and wife are united in marriage they no longer seem like something earthly, but rather like the image of God Himself.” Saint John Chrysystom “Whatever you do for your family, for your children, for your husband, for your wife, you do for God. All we do, our prayers, our work, our suffering, is for Jesus.” Saint Teresa of Calcutta “To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of others.” Saint John Paul II “The final battle between the Lord and the reign of satan will be about marriage and the family. Don’t be afraid, because anyone who works for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be fought and opposed in every way, because this it the decisive issue. However, Our Lady has already crushed its head.” Servant of God Lucia of Fatima “If you want to bring happiness to the whole world, go home and love your family.” Saint Teresa of Calcutta "The Christian family is a communion of persons, a sign and image of the communion of the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit. In the procreation and education of children it reflects the Father’s work of creation. It is called to partake of the prayer and sacrifice of Christ. Daily prayer and the reading of the Word of God strengthen it in charity." CCC, 2205 “Love begins by taking care of the closest ones – the ones at home.” Saint Teresa of Calcutta How will you love and celebrate your family today? No matter what your relationships look like, we can always pray for each other and thank God for His presence in each of our lives. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, please pray for us! (Check the @catholicteenlifeblog Instagram account for some shareable images of some of these quotes!)
- Summer Time Reading... Of Job.
I decided this Summer that I'm going to read the book of Job. I've read it before, but I don't think I was really able to resonate with Job- my life was wonderful, and fairly easy. Let me just say- a lot can change in two years. 2021, 2022, and now 2023 have been the most difficult years of my life so far. Maybe they have been for you, too. We've become more isolated than ever. Depression and anxiety are some of the largest issues of our time. Families have changed, grown, or lost members. Hearts have broken, and are being repaired. School has changed or gotten more stressful. Friends have come and gone. No matter what you're going through, God knows. Though I'm only in chapter 3 of the book of Job, I'm already learning and reflecting on so much. God is here with us. He sees our struggles. They are real, and they matter. They are not caused by God- but sometimes, He will allow them because they help us to grow into the people He's made us to be. And, in the end, the difficulties we face in this life are nothing compared to the reward that awaits us in Heaven. 🤍
- A Love Letter
Each time I read the part of the Gospel that we hear today, I think of it as a love letter from Jesus and the Father. It's incredible. It's like each word is dripping with meaning and love, like He said each one precisely and intentionally. Sometimes I have to close my eyes when I hear it during Mass, and let it sink into the depths of my soul. It's so, so beautiful. "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me." "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be" "In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places" "I am the way and the truth and the life." "If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it." "I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you." "In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me, because I live and you will live." "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid." These words- as well as the rest of them found in chapter 14 of the Gospel of John- are like a remedy for the pain and the lies that surround us. Yes, we might suffer, but we do it with Him. These words spoken by the Lord are words spoken to a bride. You, my friend, as a Baptized member of the Church, are His Bride. He speaks peace over you. He tells you that He is preparing a place for you! And He tells you not to be afraid. Let your heart be at peace. At the end of the passage, Jesus says some beautiful words. An invitation: " Get up, let us go." He invites you to the Garden of Gethsemane. To be with Him in His Passion. To keep Him company is the greatest gift you can give the One who loves you so deeply. Will you go with Him?
- Vocation Links (FULL LIST)
Vocations Resources An Interview with a Priest An Interview with a Religious Sister Catholic Relationships Q&A Some Vocation Tips... The Catholic View of Marriage Vocations Resources My Vocation Story
- World Day of Prayer for Vocations!
A very happy and blessed World Day of Prayer for Vocations to you! Today the Church unites in prayer for the intention of those who are discerning their Vocations (I LOVE talking about Vocations!!) I know many people are attending discernment retreats this weekend. Please know that you are all in my prayers! Three years ago, on this Sunday, I was on a Vocation "Come-and-See" retreat with the Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth. On that weekend, I consecrated myself and my Vocation to the Blessed Mother, and she took it and ran wild! 😂 My Vocation story is turning out to be such a surprise- much different, and much more beautiful than I ever could have dreamed of. Your story is no different. God has a plan for you. He knows what state of life- whether it's marriage, the priesthood, or religious life- will help you to live in love with Him and with others. He knows your personality- the way He created you- and how you will love and be loved in the best possible way. As a very wise priest once told me, "Be open!" Be open about your Vocation and God's plan for your life. It's a beautiful journey and, yes, it might be filled with ups and downs, but it's not supposed to be a source of stress and anxiety. Trust Him. God has a plan. Even if it's a surprise. 😊 I've included some Vocations resources below for you to check out, as well as my own Vocation Story (so far!). Vocations Resources An Interview with a Priest An Interview with a Religious Sister Some Vocation Tips... The Catholic View of Marriage Vocations Resources Catholic Relationships Q&A My Vocation Story As always, please feel free to comment or email me with any questions, prayer requests, or suggestions!! In His Mercy, Colleen
- Catholic Sleepover Ideas!
One of the most fun things I've done in college so far is having sleepovers with my wonderful Catholic friends! Here are some fun (and safe!) ideas for sleepovers for Catholics: Make inspirational bookmarks Play the Catholic Card Game. Color some pretty coloring pages! Pray the Rosary before bed Find questions online to ask your friends Dress up in fancy clothes Do face masks! Paint your nails. Make paper chains with prayer intentions. Make mental health Bible verse jars. Go stargazing. Watch funny Catholics on Youtube Make milkshakes. Pray evening or night prayer. Take a walk. Listen to a podcast. Watch a movie on FORMED. Bake cookies. Film a skit. Do crafts. Listen to fun music. Watch Veggietales!! Play board games Volunteer in the community Have a Bible Study Make dinner Take fun personality quizzes Make tie blankets to donate. Paint on canvases. Sidewalk chalk your neighborhood And finally... Sleep. Obviously. Eventually. Maybe. Do you have more ideas for sleepovers? Put them in the comments! 😊
- Join the Catholic Crew on the Hallow App!
Are you looking for a way to connect with other Catholic teenagers? Do you want a place to share your prayer intentions and feel motivated to create a prayer routine? Are you interested in improving your mental and spiritual health? Join the Catholic Teen Life "Catholic Crew" prayer group on the Hallow App! Hallow is currently the #1 prayer app in the world, featuring Catholic prayers, meditations, audiobooks, mental health reflections, and more. One of the coolest features of the app is the ability to pray with your friends! That's why I decided to make this group. 😊 You can join the prayer group for free, even if you don't (yet... hint, hint...) have the premium version of the app!! Follow the instructions and pictures below to join. I can't wait to pray with you! The code to join is WQ3Z6L.
- Palm Sunday Musings
Hi friends! A blessed Palm Sunday to you! Jesus has been putting something on my heart this weekend. :) I think many of us are in awe of Jesus' suffering but feel we can't fully relate to it. We feel we can't sympathize with Him because we haven't suffered such brutality as He did. I watched the Passion of the Christ movie the other evening and was thinking/praying, "Jesus, I can't fully grasp how you felt in that moment, but I see Mamma Mary, and I can understand! I'll suffer with her." Maybe this is you. Perhaps you're caring for or loving someone close to you who is mentally or physically suffering a great deal. How can you stand with our Mother at the foot of the cross this Holy Week and unite your sufferings with her own for Jesus? Or maybe your suffering is more mental. You might struggle with anxiety, depression, fear, or other mental sufferings. In these, we can relate to Jesus' Agony in the Garden. Consider how He must have felt on Palm Sunday, knowing He would die so soon, condemned by the people praising Him. Then, in the Garden, when He felt the weight of every sin, every mental suffering, every bit of sadness the human race would ever and had ever felt. And He felt the rejection of those He loved, both those present with Him and everyone since who has rejected His love. Maybe your suffering IS physical. Each step may mean more suffering for you. You do have to carry that cross. Be the Simon of Cyrene for Jesus this week. But this time, your cross and Jesus' are the same. You help each other. Many of us suffer in all of these ways, and more. I do, and I still find it difficult to fathom the torture that Jesus endured simply because it was so brutal. Even if we find it difficult to relate to the torture Jesus endured because we haven't physically felt it (and I pray that we never will!), we can help Him by suffering with Him. The Church teaches us that during Holy Week we are mystically present and participating in Jesus's Passion. When He was in His Agony in the Garden, all he wanted was for someone to stay awake and be with Him. Now He's asking you: "Will you suffer with me? Stay with me even when it hurts?" What will your answer be?
- Random Thoughts and Prayer Requests
Hi friends, As some of you know, I gave up social media for Lent, so I'll only be posting on the blog website for now! I'm dealing with a chronic illness while trying to be in college, run a small business, write a blog, and have adequate time for prayer, homework, and sleep!! So for Lent, I decided to rest. That is penance for me. But it needs to be done to give my body, mind, and soul time to heal. This ministry is my passion. If I'm not posting as much, please know that it is not because I don't want to; it's simply because, at the end of the day after classes, I've used up all my energy, and I need rest. Please keep me in your prayers as I try to navigate this life and accept the suffering as best I can. If you could also pray for my family, my boyfriend, my friends, and my studies, that would be so wonderful. ❤️️ On a happier note, God is good! Our Father loves you. He is with you. He has a marvelous plan for you, for your life. He will never leave you. No matter what kind of pain you've been through, He is with you. Even when you don't feel anything, He's there. Nothing ever changes His love for you. Your Father says, "you are precious in my eyes and I love you" (Isaiah 43). His plan is better than anything else. What is He calling you to right now? For me, He's calling me to rest. To be still and wait, and trust. That's REALLY hard for me. What is He calling you to do? How does He want to help you to grow? What does your prayer life look like right now? Prayer is our relationship with God. How do you pray? How do you communicate with the one who loves you more deeply and tenderly than anyone else ever could? It's difficult to pray right now. I know God is listening, I know He's; Ith me; I just can't feel Him. But the good part is that my feelings aren't reality! My Father is with me always. And He's with you. He's with us. He's not leaving. So many people, especially young people, struggle so much with their mental health. Myself included. And one of the greatest comforts, I believe, is reminding yourself that your Father is not leaving you. He's holding you. He's closer than you think! God sees you, friend. He sees the struggle you're going through, and He wants you to know that He still delights in you. I recently heard the quote, "God created you because He thought you would like it." Isn't that beautiful? God created us to enjoy life. All of the goodness of life reflects God. That is so powerful. Your Father made you because He loves this life, and He loves you and wants you to experience it. Don't give up. You were made for God. Another random thought... Who is your Saint friend right now?! I recently discovered that St. Padre Pio is the patron saint of those suffering from one of the diagnoses that I have, and since then, I've been fascinated by his life and story. There's a movie on about his life that is absolutely beautiful (and 3 hours long 😅). It's so beautiful how different Saints become our friends for different moments in our lives. If you've read this far through my ramblings- thank you!! You're so patient! Please know that you are in my prayers every day, and you're welcome to comment on this post with any prayer intentions you might have! In His Mercy, Colleen
- Bringing Jesus to School- A practical guide for bringing your faith into your academic life.
Sometimes when I'm in class, though especially when I was in elementary and middle school, I'd think of the Lord standing beside me, holding my hand as I went through the day. He's an instant best friend, homework helper, and teacher. He helps you stay focused on your immediate goal within the bigger picture. He provides comfort, peace, and rest when it's most needed. Our Lord walks with us always... but sometimes it's difficult to remember that He's there and that He should be the focus of everything that we do! So how can we "bring Jesus to school?" How can we incorporate our faith into our studies even when it's difficult; even when it seems like nothing we're doing as anything to do with Christ? I have a few ideas... Take a few minutes each morning to spend time with Jesus. Read the daily readings, and use the Hallow App to be guided through prayers. Go to your church if you can and simply sit with the Lord in prayer and silence. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance when you're struggling. Pray the Prayer for Students by St. Thomas Aquinas before your classes or before you begin the school day. (Fun fact: There is a printable version of this prayer sold in the MercyLight Designs shop! (my roommate suggested this one!) Write the initials of the people you're praying for in the corner of your notebook pages so that each page of notes is offered as a prayer for those intentions. Write "J.M.J." in the corner of your papers to dedicate your work to the Holy Family. Make your desk, locker, etc. a spot of prayer as well as study. You can decorate it with prayer prints, coloring pages, pictures of saints or statues, have a standing crucifix or small statue on your desk, etc. The printables from MercyLight Designs would be super great for this, and there are so many beautiful ones all over the internet! Pray for your classmates. In each class, choose one person to pray for. I like the analogy that a Catholic speaker once used of "zapping" people with the Holy Spirit. :-) Take some time for silence every once in a while. Walk alone to class once or twice a day and use that time to make some interior silence, even when the world around you is loud and crazy. Stand up for Christ. Stand up for your faith. When something is being taught that is immoral or incorrect, do something about it. If something your teacher is telling you to read or do goes against your morals, respectfully tell them that you will not do or read it, and ask for other accommodations. The Lord will help you to do what's right. Live your faith while with your friends. You might be the one to bring Christ to them for the first time (You know, if you've received the Eucharist, you're a living, walking, talking tabernacle!! 😂😄) Stay focused! Your primary Vocation right now is to be a student. That's your role in life (along with many other things!) but you bring so much glory to God when you try your hardest and strive to bring Him glory in all the work that you do. There are soooo many other great ideas out there. If you have some, please share them in the comments! I hope and pray that this post will serve as a reminder and resource for you as you strive to live our your faith through the school day. Jesus wants to walk through life with you each and every step of the way. He's with you always and will bring you strength, knowledge, and comfort in your studies. Happy studying! Have a wonderful day!
- "Your faith has saved you!"
Today I invite you to reflect prayerfully on today's Gospel passage with me. You can read it, along with the other readings of the day, here in verses 21-43. I, and so many others, can strongly relate to the hemorrhaging woman in this passage recounting just one of Jesus' many healings. My guess is that you might, too. Or at least know someone who does. What is your own lengthy affliction? No, you may not be hemorrhaging (and I pray that you are not!!); however, most of us have at least one thing in our lives that brings us continual suffering. Examples could include chronic pain; anxiety disorders; depression; family issues; past trauma; distrust of others; poor body image; OCD, other mental illnesses; injuries; cancer; habitual sin; chronic illness; scrupulosity; trauma from abuse; not being able to forgive yourself; problems with relating to others or forming friendships; grief; strife in your parents' relationship/ your relationship with them; screen addictions; any form of addiction; fatigue; burnout... Think about it. What in your life needs healing? (Side note: the above examples are not ALL examples, just some that Christ put on my heart while writing this). This is the thing you've been suffering with for so long. You've tried so hard to feel better, but you feel stuck. You're tired of fighting. So was the hemorrhaging woman. She bled in pain for twelve years. She suffered at the hands of those trying to help her. And she spent all that she had. Physically. Financially. Mentally. Emotionally. She was alone and exhausted, not only from her pain but from being misunderstood, so tired of fighting, so tired of no one being able to help. The woman in the Gospel was so exhausted and in pain. And in her pain, she turned to the only one she thought could truly heal her: The man they said was the Messiah. She had such faith that she believed that if she only touched Him, she could be made well! And she reached out and touched the tassel on his cloak. She reached out for healing, believing that it would happen. And Jesus granted the desires of her heart! He looked at her. No- He SAW her. He saw all she'd been through, all the pain, all the anxiety, all the depression. And He said, "Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be cured of your affliction." (Though I imagine Jesus would have most likely used exclamation points (!!!!) and not periods. Cause He was probably rejoicing with her. And smiling. And loving her!). And He told her to "Go in peace." Anyone who has suffered for a long time knows the pain and exhaustion of just wanting answers. Wanting help. Wanting peace. In my own life, I suffer from chronic health issues and intense fears and anxiety. Every day is a struggle to let Jesus help me and recognize that He is offering His peace to me, as well; to reach for Him and to hope and trust that He'll take care of me and heal me. Peace... What a beautiful concept. What a beautiful gift. I long for peace, and even if I'm never completely healed, and must persevere in my afflictions, body, mind, and soul, then I simply ask for peace. This woman in the Gospel today... She was so brave. Her faith, hope, and trust truly did make her well because they enabled her to come to the Lord, no matter the cost. How can we, those of us who suffer greatly on a daily basis- even if it's only been weeks, months, or only a few years as opposed to twelve- how can we "touch his cloak" today? How can we ask for and accept this healing that Christ provides? Come to Him. Simply come to Him. He WILL work in your life, in your pain. You will be healed. It might not be in the way you expect it. Healing can come in all sorts of ways... Sometimes it means switching up habits or lifestyles; locations or schools; going to therapy; trying a new medication; separating yourself from harmful relationships. All of these are from God, and He works through them! Also, your healing might not even come in this life, but it certainly will in the next. Some days, it's so hard to reach out to Him. But friend, our God is the God who raises the dead! Those who can't even, by themselves, ask for healing! Who are literally past the point of healing! Jesus sees them, He goes to them, and tells them to "Arise!" To live! (We see another example of this in the Gospel today!) So my friend, take courage. Whatever your affliction is, whatever you need healing for, whatever your cross is... Go to Him. Be with Him. Consume His very Body and Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist. Be reconciled with Him in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Don't be afraid. Jesus has you. He sees you. He loves you. Your faith is beautiful.