282 items found for ""
- Jesus the Bridegroom.
From today's First Reading: "For Zion’s sake I will not be silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not be quiet, until her vindication shines forth like the dawn and her victory like a burning torch. Nations shall behold your vindication, and all the kings your glory; you shall be called by a new name pronounced by the mouth of the LORD. You shall be a glorious crown in the hand of the LORD, a royal diadem held by your God. No more shall people call you “Forsaken," or your land “Desolate," but you shall be called “My Delight, “and your land “Espoused.” For the LORD delights in you and makes your land his spouse. As a young man marries a virgin, your Builder shall marry you; and as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride so shall your God rejoice in you." (Isaiah 62:1-5) This is His Love for you: a love that is unique, personal, and spousal, unlike any other. As part of His Church, the Body of Christ, Jesus longs to unite with you in a love that is infinite, self-giving, and total. Even if your Vocation is not consecrated life as a literal Bride of Christ, or one of a priest who cares for the Church with the love of a Bridegroom, know that Jesus still desires a deep, intimate union with you—a love that mirrors the spousal love He has for His Church. As you hear these words in the first reading for Mass tomorrow, think of this: Your God rejoices in you. He rejoices in you in your most beautiful moments- and your messiest. He rejoices in the you that is attending daily Mass, leading a Bible study, and getting straight A's all at once- And in the you who spends hours scrolling through reels and forgets to do homework and doesn't make it to her holy hour. He rejoices in the you who is confident, boldly sharing your faith- and when you have doubts He rejoices in you when you care for your family, loving them selflessly- and when you are so annoyed and find yourself wishing for just a moment away from the chaos. He rejoices in you when you trust Him completely- and when your anxiety is overwhelming and you don't know what happens next. Your Bridegroom rejoices in you, simply because you are you and He is Him. He's always there, rejoicing over you, calling you back to His loving embrace. There is no love like His—a love that endlessly rejoices in you and calls you back into His embrace. (Originally posted 1/19/2025 on Instagram)
- "What's up with the Jubilee?"
Scroll through the gallery below to learn about the Jubilee Year! (Originally published on @the_little_apologist Instagram on 1/14/2025).
- The Little Apologist's Guide to The Baptism of the Lord
Some Catholic Q&A for today's feast day- save this post to have a simple and quick answer ready to go! //"What was the Baptism of John?" Saint Thomas Aquinas says the Baptism of John had four purposes: To sanctify water for Baptism To announce Christ to the crowds To prepare the Jewish people for Christ’s coming To draw John’s followers to repentance so they would more readily follow Jesus // "How is Christian Baptism different?" John's Baptism was one of repentance and preparation. Christian Baptism has the effects of... Forgiveness of all sins, including original sin and its punishments. Becoming children of God, partakers in the Divine Nature, and temples of the Holy Spirit. Receiving sanctifying grace and justification. Sharing in Christ’s priestly, prophetic, and royal mission. Makes us members of the Church, called to obey its teachings, participate in the life of the Church, and able to receive the Sacraments. Calls us to profess our faith and participate in the Church's mission (Matthew 28:19) Unites all baptized Christians, even those who are not yet in full communion with Christ's Church. "Baptism constitutes the sacramental bond of unity among all reborn." Sealing one's soul with an indelible spiritual mark, making their identity as children of God permanent. Baptism is the seal of eternal life. //"Why was Jesus Baptized?" These reasons can be broken down into three ways (thanks to my priest's homily this morning...): Sanctifying the Waters: Jesus, in being Baptized, sanctified water as a means of redemption and renewal. Inaugurating the Kingdom of God: John preached, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" Jesus fulfilled this message in His Baptism, John having proclaimed Him as the "one who is coming." Foreshadowing the Passion: Jesus’ Baptism foreshadowed His Death and Resurrection. The Catechism says, "Immersion in water symbolizes death, purification, regeneration, and renewal." Our own Baptism reminds us of death and Eternal Life. This is a super basic overview, so if you have more questions, drop them in the comments! (Originally posted on @the_little_apologist Instagram on 1/12/2025)
- What is Epiphany?
As I explained today's liturgical celebration to my fifth and sixth graders in faith formation class this morning, I realized that I don't think I ever really learned much about The Epiphany of Our Lord, apart from the three Magi. Of course, Epiphany celebrates the three Magi visiting the Holy Family and bringing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. But there's more to it than that. The word Epiphany has Greek roots that mean "manifestation" or "to display." This visit of the Magi, who followed a star to find Christ, represents the coming of Christ as Savior and King of the whole world, not only the Jewish people. The Catechism states in paragraph 528: "The Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Saviour of the world. The great feast of Epiphany celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the wise men (magi) from the East, together with his baptism in the Jordan and the wedding feast at Cana in Galilee. In the magi, representatives of the neighbouring pagan religions, the Gospel sees the first-fruits of the nations, who welcome the good news of salvation through the Incarnation. The magi's coming to Jerusalem in order to pay homage to the king of the Jews shows that they seek in Israel, in the messianic light of the star of David, the one who will be king of the nations. Their coming means that pagans can discover Jesus and worship him as Son of God and Saviour of the world only by turning towards the Jews and receiving from them the messianic promise as contained in the Old Testament." The Epiphany of the Lord is God's revelation of His Son to the entire world, showing that salvation is meant for all, no matter who they are or where they come from, and that all can (and should!) adore Christ and come to know, love, and serve Him. How do you make Christ present to others and allow every day to be a new "Epiphany" for those you encounter, no matter their background? (Posted on @the_little_apologist Instagram 1/5/2025)
- Practical Ways to Provide Resources for Women Facing Unexpected Pregnancies.
Yesterday, I posted an Instagram reel that was a fun take on a popular trend but essentially had the message, "Instead of telling women that abortion is their only logica option, we should get them the resources, support, and love that they need." Seems simple enough, right? The people in the comments didn't think so. I woke up this morning to comments telling me to "shut up" and that I've been brainwashed, don't care about women, etc. All of which, of course, are not true. That being said, I thought it might be helpful to talk about some of the practical steps we can take when helping women facing an unplanned pregnancy or difficult situation. As much as we love to have conversations and logically convince people to see that abortion is morally incorrect and a grave evil, often it's the practical support that changes hearts and minds and enables a woman to choose life for her baby. Be Positive In most situations, when someone tells you she is pregnant, the proper response is always, "Congratulations! " No matter how a child has come into the world, he or she is still a child and a blessing. Every life is a miracle- no matter what. In cases of rape or incest, "congratulations" may not be the most tactful reaction, even though the child is still a gift. In that case, you could say something like, "I don't know exactly what to say that will help right now. I'm sure this is so overwhelming. I'm here for you and here to help with whatever you need." then, LISTEN! See what she truly needs and how she's doing, and connect her with professional help. Even if you can't be upbeat in every situation, at least be sympathetic. Empower her and let her know that you genuinely believe that she can do this. She can have her baby. And whether she chooses adoption or to raise her child, make sure that she knows you will be with her through it all. Be Available Like anyone in crisis, one moment to the next can be more difficult than another. While you certainly still need to live your own life and take care of your current responsibilities, it's important to let this new mom know that you're there for her- to talk, listen, or be with her. Quality time with supportive friends can do a world of good. Online Resources These are quick articles, helplines, and other resources you can send to any mamma facing an unexpected pregnancy. They provide financial assistance, help with any questions she might have, and so much more. This is an easy way to support someone even when you can't physically be present with her. These links are not categorized or ordered in any particular way. Adoption Services Inc. Birthright International Embrace Grace Feeding America College Grants for Single Mothers Maternity Housing Coalition 2-1-1 United Way Sisters of Life Human Defense Initiative Leap for Joy Inc Mercy Housing National Domestic Violence Hotline National Life Center National Safe Haven Alliance Once Upon a Child Option Line Project Cuddle Safe Haven Baby Boxes SNAP The Nurturing Network Sally's Lambs ... and Standing With You has so many more! Accompany Her to Appointments and Classes Medical appointments can be intimidating as is, even without the stress of being a mom without a sound support system. You can help by recommending her a good pro-life ob-gyn, finding parenting classes, offering to accompany her or give her a ride, driving her to appointments, etc. Even if she already has reliable transportation, having someone along to talk to after an appointment can be helpful. Purchase Supplies and Giftcards Purchasing pregnancy or baby supplies, grocery cards, gas cards, or even just providing a meal can mean so much. Financial struggles are one of the biggest reasons for women to feel like abortion is their only option. A few dollars toward groceries or a box or two of diapers can help to relieve that burden. In the past, I've done gift card drives for a mother in need. Things like that that involve numerous people rallying around one mother (even if she chooses to remain anonymous to everyone but you) can be so effective. A meal dropped at her front door, an offer to help set up the baby's crib, or even just a care package full of her favorite treats can mean the world on a difficult day. Provide Financial Assistance This goes along with the gift cards! You can connect women with resources at your parish (ie: Saint Vincent de Paul Society), or other community resources that provide grants to those in need. Some of the online resources listed above also have financial assistance programs. Provide Shelter Not everyone has the space or capacity to safely bring another person into their home. But when a pregnant woman needs a place to stay to escape an abusive situation or unsupportive home, there are options. If she is facing homelessness, many communities have programs where churches take turns hosting people while they get back on their feet and find a new place to stay. Some places (though more urban areas than rural ones) have maternity homes where women can have a safe place to stay for the duration of their pregnancy and a few months after birth. Connect Her with Local Resources Think food pantries, pregnancy care centers, reliable doctors, affordable clothing options for maternity and baby clothes, etc. Pregnancy Care Centers are also a fantastic option. Many have programs that allow women to attend parenting classes in exchange for free clothing, supplies, and other resources. They're a great place to turn if you don't know how to help a woman in a particular situation or don't feel equipped to help meet her specific needs.
- True and Perfect Joy in the Arms of Christ
Saint Francis and Joy Attending a university run by Franciscans really taught me a lot about Franciscan spirituality and the life and charisms of Saint Francis. One of the unique aspects of Franciscan Spirituality that has always stuck out to me is the concept of True and Perfect Joy. Saint Francis explained to Brother Leo that joy comes not from our external circumstances but rather from accepting all that happens with peace and love in our hearts, all the while thinking of Jesus’ sacrifice and His infinite love for us (paraphrased). The ability to be joyful is a gift. It's the Love of God poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. When we live our lives in love with God and are open to that outpouring of the fruits of the Spirit , we will be given the grace and ability to be joyful, no matter our circumstances. This is why joy is not tied to our moods. You can be devastated, depressed, grieving, or in pain and still choose j oy. It's easier to be joyful when we're happy, of course, but the grace of God and the outpouring of the Spirit mean that we can always be joyful. Little kids are such a sweet example of this. Even when they get hurt or are having a bad day, just as quickly, they seem to get up and can be playing, laughing, and having fun in an instant. They don't carry the weight or memory of worry, pain, or suffering because they know they are cared for and loved. Recently, I've realized that my least joyful moments occur when I haven't prioritized spending time with God during my day- perhaps I missed reading the daily scriptures before work or only briefly wrote in my prayer journal before bed instead of intentionally setting aside a more extended period to be with Jesus. I've found that the days when I realign my focus and prioritize Him are the days that it's almost easier to be joyful, even when it's externally tough. So today, I'd like to invite you to practice joy with this simple exercise and become that little child once again: Jesus, our Joy Start by closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. Be still, and invite the Holy Spirit to speak to you through your thoughts. Pray, "Come Holy Spirit." I want you to imagine yourself as a little child. Maybe you’re at a playground. Maybe you’re running around. Maybe you’re in a field, on a beach, or somewhere else similar. Think about what’s around you. How does the grass or sand feel on your feet? Are there people around? What does it smell like? Sound like? Now imagine you fall. Your leg is hurting, and you're feeling sad. You don’t know what to do. As tears start to flow down your cheeks, you look up, and there, in front of you, is Jesus. Notice how He looks at you. See His arms stretched out, coming towards you to carry you, pick you up, and hold you. Now, feel Him pick you up, his arms, big and strong. He smiles at you and dries your tears. What does He say to you? What do you say to Him? How do you feel? Are you scared anymore? Even though your leg might still hurt from when you fell, feel the comfort and peace that His Love brings. Now, think of yourself now, in whatever stage of life you're in. What are you struggling with? Why are you sad, scared, or in pain? You're still that little child in need of love and comfort. Just rest in His arms; be still. When we are with Jesus, we are safe and can regain that childlike joy that only He can give. We might still feel the pain, but we are always safe- held, loved, and protested in His arms. Living Joy Just as Saint Francis told Brother Leo, joy comes from being close to Jesus and remaining always in His presence. When we're with Him- living our faith by receiving the Sacraments and loving Him and those around us- we are like the little child in His arms. We're held, loved, and cherished- and that knowledge can bring us joy, even amidst our pain, grief, and suffering.
Join me in supporting Catholic Small businesses and Creators this Christmas season! Over 70 wonderful Catholic small business owners, authors, artists, and consultants have asked to be included in this list to bring you more options for Catholic Christmas gifts and resources. You're sure to find something for everyone on your list! Scroll through the pictures to see a glimpse of the products these wonderful Catholic businesses offer, and then click the links in the post to be directed to their websites, Etsy shops, social media pages, and more! Happy shopping! Please note that I am receiving no monetary compensation from this post. Small business owners and creators- please read the message at the bottom of this post! ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS-THEMED GIFTS & ORNAMENTS ADVENT & CHRISTMAS GIFTS The Cozy Catholic Life: Advent Shirts and Resources Offering the popular "Ugly Advent Sweater," perfect for your next pre-Christmas-Christmas party! Also, check out the Advent-themed Scripture cards. Adoring Presence: Christmas and Epiphany Liturgical Living Resources Offering fun resources and toys for the Christmas Season with the "Magi and the Mantle" set and "Camel Chats." MercyLight Designs: Christmas Tees MercyLight Designs offers a collection of Christmas tees that are sure to be effective methods of evangelization, spark conversation, and be a wonderful and stylish addition to any wardrobe. Joyful Mysteries Shop: Advent Blanket This beautiful advent blanket will make a beautiful addition to a gift basket or as a gift for a child! House of Love and Laughter: Advent Tea Towels These Advent tea towels are an excellent way to incorporate the Liturgical Season of Advent into your everyday life- or to give as a gift! Simple Catholic Designs: True Story Christmas Sweatshirt This adorable Christmas sweatshirt is a cozy and fun way to share your faith with style and ease! Throw it on with jeans for a casual look or wear it around the house on a cozy Christmas evening. ORNAMENTS Sacred Creations Inc: Wooden Cut-Out Ornaments Sacred Creations Inc. offers creative wooden cut ornaments, many depicting the Holy Family. The Crux Calix Company: Rose-Window-Inspired Ornaments The Crux Calix Company creates beautiful ornaments, coasters, and jewelry inspired by the Rose Windows in Cathedrals worldwide. CLOTHING, ACCESSORIES, CHAPEL VEILS, JEWELRY, & SELF CARE CLOTHING MercyLight Designs: Catholic Tees MercyLight Designs offers a variety of Catholic Tees that help you share your faith with those around you. From pro-life tees to JP2's "Be not afraid" and "Catholic Girl" shirts, we have it all! VARCA Designs : Marian and Children's Tees VARCA Designs is a Catholic family-owned business that features fun Saint and Marian tees for kids and adults alike! Check out their coffee mugs, too. INVENTUS Art: Catholic Camouflage INVENTUS Art has created a version of the Catholic Camouflage featuring the Saint Benedict Medal. This creative design is available on various products. Chels Marie Collection: Ethically and Prayerfully Made Clothing Chels Marie Collection has beautiful clothing options, many inspired by the Blessed Mother. Ellekin: Ethical and Sustainable Women's Clothing Ellekin offers a variety of tops, bottoms, dresses, and accessories that will last a lifetime. Buy your clothing basics from Catholic owners and make a difference just by the clothing that you wear. Sweet Little Ones Shop: Catholic Tees Sweet Little Ones Shop features a wide variety of Catholic Tees in all styles and sizes for all ages. There's also a ton of clearance! Joyful Mysteries Shop: A Baby Changes Everything Tee This beautiful tee shirt featuring the Blessed Mother and baby Jesus would be a wonderful gift for a pro-life advocate or mom in your life! Graz Gallery: Madonna and Child Crewneck Sweatshirt This sweatshirt is stylish, cozy, and great for a fashion-loving friend. It also makes a great tool for evangelization. ACCESSORIES Hippie Livy's Catholic Shoppe: Saint Hildegard of Bingen Quote Tote Bags Offering a variety of tote bags, perfect as gift bags or for everyday use. Manegratia Press: Fiat Tote Bag This is a beautiful tote bag featuring scripted text that reads "Fiat" to remind us of Mary's yes to God. Mama's Little Loves: Catholic-Themed Hair Accessories and Ties Mama's Little Loves sells various beautiful hair accessories, ties, and more. These would be great as stocking stuffers, too! Catholic Collection Co: Earrings and Hair Accessories for Catholics I LOVE this entire shop! Pretty much everything in it would make a great addition to any Christmas gift for a classy friend looking to build her style. CHAPEL VEILS Valleys of Grace: Handmade Chapel Veils Beautiful handmade chapel veils for your daughter, sister, wife, friend, or mom! JEWELRY Catholic Jewelry Box: Fun, handmade Catholic Jewelry My absolute FAVORITE shop for Catholic jewelry! Colleen makes beautiful and affordable designs with such fun and creative colors and themes. Tesory Jewelry: Statement Handmade Jewelry Tesory Jewelry offers unique statement jewelry made of wood, clay, metal, and gemstones—perfect for gifts! All Holy Homies: Beaded Catholic Saint Jewelry All Holy Homies offers fun and colorful beaded jewelry with Saint medals. Any of the necklaces would make beautiful gifts, even for younger kids. Custom jewelry is also offered. Mystical Rose Makery: Commemorative and Keepsake Jewelry Creating commemorative and keepsake jewelry that can include your breast milk, pregnancy test caps, locks of hair, flowers, clothing, etc. Turnaround time is 14-16 weeks due to the nature of the product, but gift certificates are available for Christmas time! Heavenly Pink Co: Cute and Dainty Jewelry Heavenly Pink Co offers dainty and beautiful silver and gold jewelry that would be perfect for younger girls. Telos Art Shop: Catholic Jewelry inspiring Beauty, Goodness, and Truth These jewelry and art pieces are gorgeous and feature "modern design for a timeless faith." Sagely Sparrow: Catholic Saint Jewelry "Sagely Sparrow is commited to providing quality handmade jewelry, inspired by faith and beauty. Give a gift that will encourage them in their Christian journey." House of Love and Laughter: Beaded Bracelets These beaded bracelets include beautiful and inspiring phrases and would make wonderful stocking stuffers or small gifts. SELF CARE Dina Heller: Olive Tree People A holistic, organic, European waterless beauty company offering the cleanest and most effective products for the largest organ of our body, our skin. Backed by a 365 day satisfaction guarantee. BlueBird Refuge: Tea Blends to benefit pregnant and parenting mothers Give a meaningful gift and spread hope and joy with Blue Bird Refuge tea blends! The Dancing Sun Company: Goat Milk Soap and Hand towels This handcrafted goat milk soap comes in various scents and would make a great stocking stuffer or gift when paired with the hand towels (also listed in the shop!) La Amour de la Petite: Saint Joseph's Organic Sleepy Spritz St. Joseph's sleepy spritz would make a great gift for a friend who is having trouble getting good rest or even for a mom with toddlers! Let Saint Joseph intercede for you as you drift peacefully to sleep. Stella Maris Gift Shop: Catholic-Made Herbal Tinctures Stella Maris Gift Shop features many herbal tinctures and other products to encourage health in mind, body, and soul, as well as handmade Rosaries! CHILDREN'S GIFTS, BOOKS, HOMESCHOOLING RESOURCES, PREGNANCY, POSTPARTUM, & PARENTING CHILDREN'S GIFTS The Littles Way: Walkable Rosary Cloths & Blankets These Rosary cloths and blankets present a fantastic opportunity for family prayer with even the smallest of children! Whether your family Rosary includes a newborn, swaddled in his Rosary blanket, a toddler following along with the beads of her blanket as she learns to walk, or a younger kiddo using his toy cars to drive to each "bead" as you pray as a family, these Rosary blankets or cloths are versatile and will be a Catholic family staple for years to come. A Lil Plant : Handmade Catholic Toys A Lil Plant features handmade Catholic toys, including Saint dolls, Mass sets, and more! The new nativity Set would be perfect as a Christmas gift for any kiddos in your life. Making Mom a Coffee: All by Myself! by Tracey Gerrard This children's book features Catholic "Easter Eggs" and a sweet story—perfect for your little ones! Arma Dei: Cathletics Playing Cards These Catholic playing cards would be perfect for older kids, and they would be a great way to incorporate faith into family game nights. Petit Saints: Holy Family Doll Set Petit Saints offers a beautiful assortment of snuggly Saint dolls, including the Holy Family set, perfect for your kiddos! Petit Saints: Wooden Toys Do you have a kiddo who loves to pretend? Inspire his or her play with Petit Saints' wooden sword and shield toys. Friends of the Faith Co: Mary & Joe On the Go Friends of the Faith Co creates many fun Catholic toys, but my favorites are the three Holy Family toys, titled "Mary & Joe On the God!" HeWo Store : HeWo Audio Player This unique gift is the world's first and only connected faith-based audio player designed especially for kids! Molding Saints: Saint Sensory Toys Molding Saints offers unique sensory toys and prayer tools for children, all with a Catholic theme! The Richest Leprechaun in Ireland This delightful children's book teaches kiddos about Ireland and her greatest missionary, Saint Patrick. Saintly Heart Co: Pray and Play Nativity Busy Book "This enchanting, colorful, interactive, quiet felt busy book combines playful learning with the story of the Incarnation, making it the perfect gift for young children eager to explore the true meaning of Christmas." Faithful Labours Co: Catholic Saints Memory Game Learn about the Saints with this fun and simple memory game! It's great as a homeschooling resource, too. BOOKS Mary & the Ladies: A Twelve Days of Christmas Devotional This all-new Catholic devotional is one you can use year after year! Buy a copy for yourself or a friend and support Catholic authors while growing in your faith. The Corporal of Bolsena: An Altar Boy's Witness of the Miracle of Orvieto " Follow along as Gregory the Altar Server witnesses the Eucharistic Miracle that took place in Bolsena, Italy in the year 1263, after which he joins Fr. Peter on a journey to see Pope Urban in Orvieto." Return to Me: Visits to the Tabernacle by Lynda Rozell A beautiful book about praying with the art of tabernacles. This would make a fantastic gift and addition to one's prayer time. Footprint from God: Deepening the Impression One Day at a Time by Melanie Krause This book takes readers through a 73-day journey to experiencing a fuller relationship with God that we are all called to have. HOMESCHOOLING RESOURCES InspiredDesignbyEm: Catholic Prayer Whiteboards These tasteful whiteboards are perfect for teaching little ones their prayers and practicing handwriting simultaneously. Dumb Ox Learning: Specialty Catholic Courses Dumb Ox Learning, inspired by the spirit of Saint Thomas Aquinas, offers specialty courses for Catholic kids that would be perfect for gifting paired with the materials for that course. Examples include Chess, Narnia, LOTR, and more! Bright Families: Health and Safety Courses for Catholic Families Bright Families offers quality health and safety courses for Catholic families. It encourages children to take initiative with their health and be comfortable discussing it with their parents. The young girls' group classes would make a great experience to gift to your daughter. PREGNANCY, POSTPARTUM, & PARENTING Jump In Catholic : Level Up: A Mom/Son Guide to Grow in Catholic Virtue A book for moms and sons to read together to help them to grow in virtue and relationship with God and communication with one another. Jump In Catholic: Bloom: Unfolding the Beauty of Femininity in the Light of the Son A book for moms and their daughters to discover their God-Given dignity and femininity and grow in love and communication with one another. Loreto Wellness: Birth as God Intended Course- $100 off through January 31! Use code "20CHRISTMAS24" for $100 off this course! Perfect as a gift for yourself, your wife, or another mom friend. Faithful Tribe Doula Services: Consultations Are you going to have a child soon in the Atlanta area? Have a friend who is? Check out Faithful tribe Doula Services for birth and parenting resources. (This may not be applicable for Christmas- but it's a wonderful Catholic-owned business! 😊) Menstrual Cycle Journal (Spanish) by Dr. Ross Angeli This beautifully designed journal helps women and their husbands to track their menstrual cycles and fertility awareness methods. A perfect gift for your daughter, niece, friend, or any woman in your life! HOME DECOR, KITCHEN ACCESSORIES, & OUTDOOR GIFTS HOME DECOR The Cozy Catholic Life: Rosary Hangers These beautiful Rosary hangers are some of my personal favorites. While you're at it, why don't you grab some new Rosaries, too?! We have plenty to recommend 😉 Hyland Beeswicks: Beeswax taper, votive, and decorative candles Hyland Beeswicks is a fantastic company that creates beeswax candles of all sizes for decorative and everyday use. Rough 2 Rustic: Wooden Home Decor Rough 2 Rustic creates beautiful wooden home decor. My favorite is their Holy Family Hearts Wall Hanging Violets and Moss: Handmade Paper Shrines and Cards These beautiful paper shrines make a beautiful gift for anyone looking to make a spot for prayer in their home or add their Catholic faith to their decor. These are a unique and beautiful option! KITCHEN ACCESSORIES Sacred Creations Inc: Saint Wine Charms Sacred Creations Inc. Saint Wine Charms are perfect for gifting to your host at a Christmas party or as stocking stuffers for your adult children! VARCA Designs: Saint Padre Pio Coffee Mug VARCA Designs offers a variety of products, including coffee mugs. I love this Saint Padre Pio mug! OUTDOOR GIFTS Potting with Potter: Organic Seeds Heat Resistant and Drought Tolerant, organically produced seeds. ARTWORK, STICKERS, STATIONARY, GIFT SETS, GIFTS FOR TRAVELERS, COACHING & CONSULTANTS ARTWORK Peace and Good Co: Catholic Embroidery These beautiful embroidery kits would be perfect to gift as is or to make and give! Found Blessings: Vintage Catholic Artwork Found Blessings sells beautiful Catholic artwork. My favorite is the Our Lady of Guadalupe print. Visual Grace: Catholic Art for Your Sacred Spaces Visual Grace Artwork has been showcased in parishes and communities nationwide. The prints create a beautiful gift for families to display in their homes or for your parish community to use as a tool for visio divina. Art by Maria Rose: Icons Maria creates illuminated Manuscripts and Icons and is an incredible artist. She is currently serving as a Spiritus Missionary in Wisconsin and is doing incredible work for the Lord! Wagnon Graceful Glass: Glass Figures and Artwork Beautiful lampworked glass figures would make a beautiful gift for a collector or artistic friend in your life! STICKERS MercyLight Designs: Stickers MercyLight Designs offers a variety of Catholic-themed stickers for water bottles, laptops, and other items. They would make great stocking stuffers! Sweet Little Ones Shop: Stickers In addition to hundreds of other beautiful items, Sweet Little Ones Shop offers many different sticker designs that make lovely conversation starters and are a great way to share your faith. FallAFresh Shop: Stickers This fun Catholic shop features a variety of merchandise- but my favorite are the stickers! Art by Maria Rose: Stickers Maria is a friend of mine and a wonderful artist! Her shop features some wonderful stickers and icons she creates. Claire's Creations: Stickers Hand-drawn and custom art and stickers! Claire creates cute, cozy designs that will bring a smile to your face. STATIONARY MercyLight Designs: Greeting Cards These greeting cards from MercyLight Designs are a beautiful way to send a sweet message and share your Catholic faith in a simple way. Christmas cards are available now in packs of 1, 10, 30, and 50, and custom cards are also available. Katherine Knapik Fine Art: 2025 Wall Calendar This beautiful wall calendar features a variety of Katherine's artwork. This year's theme is birth-month flowers. Rough 2 Rustic: A Traditional Catholic Coloring Book Rough 2 Rustic offers a beautiful coloring book that would be perfect to pair with a set of quality colored pencils. Manegratia Press: Litany of Trust Coloring Book A beautiful coloring book inspired by the Litany of Trust by the Sisters of Life. GIFT SETS Mary Elizabeth Gifts: Catholic Gift Sets Mary Elizabeth Gifts offers gift baskets and sets for every occasion! Use code BLACKFRIYAY for a discount. Willow's Gluten Free Bakery: Gluten Free Treat Gift Sets Offering Sampler boxes, care packages, and monthly treat box subscriptions! GIFTS FOR TRAVELERS Northcutt Travel Agency Give your family the gift of the vacation of a lifetime! Start planning with Michelle, and tell your kiddos about your trip when they wake up on Christmas morning. Sunshine Road Co: Catholic Car Accessories As a new driver, I love the idea of these beautiful car accessories! From travel-size Holy Water bottles to cup holders and more, Sunshine Road Co has the perfect gift for the driver in your family. COACHING AND CONSULTANTS Michelle Durden: Independent Beauty Consultant Inspired With Grace: Coaching for Women Inspired by Grace offers career and life coaching for women from a Catholic perspective. ROSARIES AND SACRAMENT GIFTS ROSARIES Catholic Jewelry Box: Fun, handmade Rosaries These beautiful and colorful decade Rosaries come in a mystery pack- order today for a Saint medal surprise! Also, check out the blue and gold Our Lady of Lourdes Rosary. Stella Maris Designs: Unique, handmade Rosaries Stella Maris Designs offers unique and beautiful rosaries and gift cards for your favorite Catholic friends! Tesory Jewelry: Quality Handmade Rosaries Offering Rosaries with a unique, unbreakable wire twist and natural semiprecious stones, with handcrafted personalizations available on every order. Happy Nest Home Goods: Sacrifice Beads Sacrifice beads are a unique way to include small sacrifices in your daily life. Happy Nest Home Goods offers these Sacrifice beads and many other beautiful items! Wild Things Leather Goods : Rosary Holder Wild Things Leather Goods features dozens of handmade leather items, but their Rosary pouches make a beautiful stocking stuffer or gift when paired with a Rosary. LITURGICAL LIVING Artsy Mom Co: First Holy Communion Accessories Do you have a child or grandchild who will be receiving their First Holy Communion soon? Artsy Mom Co has some great accessories for you to check out! I've been in contact with many of the business owners and creators on this list and am so grateful for their ministry and work! If you'd like your business to be included in this post or have photos from your site that you'd like me to add along with your listing, please get in touch with me, and I'll make sure you are added.
- A Little Apologist's Guide to Talking about the Saints
With All Saints Day this past week, you're likely to encounter more questions than usual about the Saints. Here are answers to a few of the most commonly asked questions. Bookmark or save this post to come back to when you need to answer someone's question or to use as a resource for others! "What is a Saint?" A saint is any person who is in Heaven. "Why do you pray to the Saints? Can't I just go directly to God?" Of course you can! But just like we ask our friends to pray for us when we're struggling or have a prayer request, we can ask the Saints to pray for us, too, as our Brothers and Sisiters in Christ. "But isn't that talking to the dead?" No. Jesus Christ defeated death. This means that those wo are in Heaven are not dead at all, but alive in Christ Jesus! "How does someone become a Saint?" As I said, a saint is any person who is in Heaven. However, to recieve the actual title of Saint, a certain process is followed by the Church through which it is infallibly declared that the person is in Heaven (meaning, we have proof!). Here is an article about the process of canonization: "Do Catholics worship Saints?" No. We worship God alone. There are different types of veneration, though, that can help us distinguish Worship of God from veneration of the Saints: Dulia : is the term for the general veneration of Saints and Angels. They are in no way worshipped. However, they are role models and intercessors for the faithful as they journey to Heaven. Proskynesis : This is a term for the simple form of veneration that is reserved for relics, images of Saints, and holy places. They are to be treated and talked about with reverence and respect. The word comes from the Greek word " proskyneo" which translates to two words : pros (towards), and kyneo (to kiss). Hyperdulia : This literally means "more-dulia" and is reserved for veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is distinct from the Saints but not on the same level as God, and thus, deserving of more veneration and honor than other Saints. Latria : This is the form of worship reserved for God alone. "Are we allowed to pray for the intercession of a person who we believe is in Heaven, but hasn't been canonized?" We are absolutely allowed to ask for the intercession of those holy people who have not yet begun the canonization process. If we would have asked for their prayers on earth, we can certainly ask for prayers while they are (presumably) in purgatory or heaven! Another way to look at it is, in order for a Saint to be canonized, multiple miracles attributed to his intercession must occur, and these would not occur without someone here on earth praying to that particular person even though they are not yet canonized. "What are patron saints?" Patron Saints are saints who, in their lifetime, were intercessors for a certain cause, group of people, or location. They most likely have a similarity to whatever they are the patron of. When a Catholic is Confirmed, they choose a Saint to be their patron because they relate to them in some way. What other questions do you have about the Saints? What are some objections you've heard about the Church's teaching about the Saints? Feel free to leave a comment and I'll help you to answer your question!
- Confession in Scripture and the Early Church
What is the Sacrament of Penance? Not only does it [the Sacrament of Penance] free us from our sins, but it also challenges us to have the same kind of compassion and forgiveness for those who sin against us. We are liberated to be forgivers. We obtain new insight into the words of the Prayer of St. Francis: "It is in pardoning that we are pardoned." Jesus entrusted the ministry of reconciliation to the Church. The Sacrament of Penance is God's gift to us so that any sin committed after Baptism can be forgiven. In confession, we have the opportunity to repent and recover the grace of friendship with God. It is a holy moment in which we place ourselves in his presence and honestly acknowledge our sins, especially mortal sins. With absolution, we are reconciled to God and the Church. The Sacrament helps us stay close to the truth that we cannot live without God. "In him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28). ~ From the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults Where is The Sacrament of Penance in Scripture? Old Testament: Isaiah 43:25: "I, I am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins." Psalm 103: 2-3: Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases… Psalm 32:5: "I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover up my iniquity. I said, 'I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,' and you forgave the iniquity of my sin." Leviticus 5:5: "If anyone becomes aware that they are guilty in any of these matters, they must confess in what way they have sinned." Proverbs 28:13: "Whoever conceals their sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will find mercy." Gospels: John 20:21-23: "Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.' And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.'” Mark 2:5-10: When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Now some of the scribes were sitting there, questioning in their hearts, 'Why does this fellow speak in this way? It is blasphemy! Who can forgive sins but God alone?' At once, Jesus perceived in his spirit that they were discussing these questions among themselves, and he said to them, 'Why do you raise such questions in your hearts? Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Stand up and take your mat and walk’? But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins'—he said to the paralytic— 'I say to you, stand up, take your mat and go to your home.'" Matthew 3:6: "... and they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins." Mark 1:5: " And people from the whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem were going out to him, and were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins." New Testament Letters 2 Corinthians 2:10: "Anyone whom you forgive, I also forgive. What I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, has been for your sake in the presence of Christ." James 5:14-16: "Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective." Acts 3:19: "Repent therefore and turn from your sin, so that your sins may be blotted out, and the Lord may make times of refreshing for you." 1 John 1:9: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." Early Church Writings and Fathers The Didache: “Confess your sins in church, and do not go up to your prayer with an evil conscience. This is the way of life. . . . On the Lord’s Day gather together, break bread, and give thanks, after confessing your transgressions so that your sacrifice may be pure” ( Didache 4:14, 14:1 [A.D. 70]). Tertullian: “[Regarding confession, some] flee from this work as being an exposure of themselves, or they put it off from day to day. I presume they are more mindful of modesty than of salvation, like those who contract a disease in the more shameful parts of the body and shun making themselves known to the physicians; and thus they perish along with their own bashfulness” ( Repentance 10:1 [A.D. 203]). Cyprian of Carthage: “Of how much greater faith and salutary fear are they who . . . confess their sins to the priests of God in a straightforward manner and in sorrow, making an open declaration of conscience. . . . I beseech you, brethren, let everyone who has sinned confess his sin while he is still in this world, while his confession is still admissible, while the satisfaction and remission made through the priests are still pleasing before the Lord” (ibid., 28). Basil the Great: “It is necessary to confess our sins to those to whom the dispensation of God’s mysteries is entrusted. Those doing penance of old are found to have done it before the saints. It is written in the Gospel that they confessed their sins to John the Baptist [Matt. 3:6], but in Acts [19:18] they confessed to the apostles” ( Rules Briefly Treated 288 [A.D. 374]). Jerome: “If the serpent, the devil, bites someone secretly, he infects that person with the venom of sin. And if the one who has been bitten keeps silence and does not do penance, and does not want to confess his wound . . . then his brother and his master, who have the word [of absolution] that will cure him, cannot very well assist him” ( Commentary on Ecclesiastes 10:11 [A.D. 388]).
- Sacraments in Scripture: Baptism!
What is Baptism? Through Baptism, original sins, personal sins, and all punishment due for sins are forgiven. We are made into "new creatures" as adopted children of God, part of the Body of Christ, coheirs to the Kingdom of Heaven, and Temple of the Holy Spirit. We're given Sanctifying Grace and Justified by Christ. Baptism also leaves an indelible mark on our souls. Once you are Baptized once, you are Baptized for all of eternity. (CCC 1262-1274) Where is Baptism in Scripture? Old Testament: Genesis 1: Water brings life. The Holy Spirit is working and "stirring" the waters- sanctifying them. Genesis 6-9: The Flood represents the union of “death” in Baptism, regeneration, and Ressurection when cleansed with water. Zechariah 13:1 and Psalm 51: Water is used as a symbol of repentance and cleansing Leviticus: Water brings purity and cleansing of Body and Soul in Jewish Law Gospels: Matthew 3:13-17: Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan, to be baptized by him. John would have prevented him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” But Jesus answered him, “Let it be so now; for it is proper for us in this way to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he consented. And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, the Beloved,[ a ] with whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 28:18-20: "And Jesus came and said to them, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.'" Mark 16:16: " The one who believes and is baptized will be saved; but the one who does not believe will be condemned." John 3:5: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” Acts of the Apostles: Acts 2:38-39: “And Peter said to them, ‘Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children and to all that are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him'” Acts 19:1-3: “Paul . . . came to Ephesus. There he found some disciples. And he said to them, ‘Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?’ And they said, ‘No . . . ‘ And he said, ‘Into what then were you baptized?'” Acts 22:16: “And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on his name” New Testament Letters: Rom. 6:3-4, 6: “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. We know that our old self was crucified with him so that the sinful body might be destroyed, and we might no longer be enslaved to sin” 1 Peter 3:21: “Baptism . . . now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a clear conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” Colossians 2:11-13:“In him [Christ] also you were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of flesh in the circumcision of Christ; and you were buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead. And you, who were dead in trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses” 1 Corinthians 12:13: “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit” Titus 3:5-7: “[H]e [God] saved us, not because of deeds done by us in righteousness, but in virtue of his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal in the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that we might be justified by his grace and become heirs in hope of eternal life” SCRIPTURAL EVIDENCE FOR INFANT BAPTISM Many non-Catholic Christians argue that infants ought not be Baptized, as they cannot consciously make the choice to follow Christ. However, if we look to Scripture, we'll see that infant baptism was practiced in the Church's earliest days. Luke 18:15-17 reads: "People were bringing even infants to Jesus so that he might touch them. When the disciples observed this, they rebuked them. However, Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them. For it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Some Protestant versions of the Bible translate "infants" as "children," providing a basis for their belief that infants ought not be Baptized. However, the original Greek word for this is "Brepha," which literally means "Infants." Saint Paul also refers to Baptism as the "Circumcision in Christ" in Colossians 2:11–12, and circumcision was performed on infants. If we look further in Church history, we see that before the Protestant Reformation, no one in any Christian Community had any issues with Infant Baptism. The only question on the matter before the 1500s was in the third century when it was questioned whether to wait until the eighth day after birth, as had been done with circumcision. Many of the Early Church Fathers, including Irenaeus, Cyprian, John Chrysostom, and Augustine, all wrote in favor of Infant Baptism. One of the most notable and widely recognized quotes of this type is from Hippolytus, who, in the year 215, wrote, " Baptize first the children, and if they can speak for themselves let them do so. Otherwise, let their parents or other relatives speak for them” ( The Apostolic Tradition 21:4) This quotation in particular gives us both evidence for Infant Baptism, and the practice of having God Parents present at Baptism. Stay tuned for more in our series on the Sacraments in Scripture!
- Sacraments in Scripture Pt. 1
On The Little Apologist Instagram, I'm doing a series on The Sacraments in Scripture, and I wanted to share it with you, as well. Many of our Protestant brothers and sisters find it difficult to understand the concept of the Sacraments, frequently because they do not see the scriptural evidence for them. Most, if not all, non-Catholic or Orthodox Christians believe in Sola Scriptura, which is the belief that all authority comes from Scripture. We know this is only partly True, however, as the Bible itself did not exist as a whole until the 1400s, and it is not what Jesus taught or what the early Church believed! All of that being said, there IS Scriptural evidence for each of the Sacraments in Scripture. In this post, we'll explore what a Sacrament is, the Biblical evidence for them, and then dive into each Sacrament and explore the Scriptural evidence behind them. What is a Sacrament? " Sacraments are outward signs of inward grace, instituted by Christ for our sanctification" ( Catechism of the Catholic Church 1131). What does this mean? Think of all the instances in Scripture where God uses materials on earth to sanctify, transform, and heal. A woman touched Jesus' garment and was healed (Matthew 9:20-22) Jesus healed someone using dirt and saliva (Mark 8:22-25) We're encouraged to use oil for anointing (James 5:14) A dead man is raised by being touched with the bones of Elisha (2 Kings 13:21) ... and these are just a few examples. "Outward signs": Earthly actions or materials (ie: water, oil, laying on of hands, bread, wine, etc.) "Inward Grace": The effect of the Sacrament (i.e., healing, sanctification, reconciliation, etc.) "Instituted by Christ": We'll get to that part in a moment! "For our sanctification": These outward signs of inward grace are tools and gifts God gives us to help us grow closer to Him in this life so that we can be happy with Him in the next. (Read my post on salvation to learn more about sanctification!) What are the Seven Sacraments? The sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist) are the essential foundations of the Christian life. (CCC 1212) The Sacraments of Healing (Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick) heal us in mind, body, and soul and bring us back into communion with God. And the Sacraments at the Service of Communion (Holy Orders and Matrimony) are calls from the Lord to share our love in specific ways. Stay tuned for posts specifically about each of the Seven Sacraments and the Scriptural Evidence behind them!
- Blessed Carlo Acutis, Pray for us!
MEDITATION: Carlo was only 15 years old when he died. A computer genius, soccer player, gamer, dog-lover, and all-around normal teenager, Carlo is known for his heroic virtue in the modern world. He's (going to be!) a Saint because of his devotion to Christ and the Poor and his evangelistic work sharing a database of Eucharistic miracles with the world. Carlo shows us that we can begin to be Saints NOW. No matter how ordinary they may seem, your talents, gifts, and special abilities can be used for good and by God for your sanctification. In Carlo's case, God used his graphic design and programming skills to reach millions with the Truth of the Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Every single aspect of your personality is valuable and intentional. You've been created and designed for a specific mission. Ask the Lord to reveal that mission to you and use you for His purposes. As Christians, specifically Catholics, who have the Lord physically and spiritually living within them, every aspect of our lives must be integrated with our faith. We were not created to be apart from God. Give Him control. Let Him have it all; you, like Carlo, will become a Saint. 😊 QUOTES: Enjoy these quotes from Blessed Carlo! I encourage you to choose one to pray with and meditate upon. " Sadness is looking at ourselves, happiness is looking towards God." "To be always united with Jesus, this is my plan of life." "By standing before the Eucharistic Christ, we become holy." "Our soul is like a hot air balloon. If by chance there is a mortal sin, the soul falls to the ground. Confession is like the fire underneath the balloon, enabling the soul to rise again… It is important to go to confession often." "The Eucharist is the highway to heaven." "Do not be afraid because with the Incarnation of Jesus, death becomes life, and there’s no need to escape: in eternal life, something extraordinary awaits us." PRODUCTS: CATHOLIC JEWELRY BOX Carlo Acutis - Blessed Sacrament/monstrance - double sided medal - beaded red and white necklace Shop here! Use code COLLEEN for a discount. IGNATIUS PRESS Blessed Carlo Acutis: A Saint in Sneakers Buy three get one Free! - Ignatius Press ... and there are SO many more!! RESOURCES: Official website of Blessed Carlo Acutis (in English) Send your prayer requests to the Association for the Cause of Canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis Carlo's Eucharistic Miracle Website/Exhibit Christ Stefanik Interview with Carlo's mother